Hens tail is down


Aug 23, 2019
One of my girls tail is down. She walks around but the tail is down. I threw in a sunflower head for them to get the seeds and bugs and she lays there still with her tail down eating it. What could be going on with her? She is 1 years old. Everything was fine until just today.


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When was the last time she laid an egg?
What do you feed her on a daily basis?
Can you feel her belly area and report back as to how it feels?
When was the last time she laid an egg?
What do you feed her on a daily basis?
Can you feel her belly area and report back as to how it feels?
I honestly don’t know when she last laid an egg. I feed dumor feed. She’s soaking in an epsom salt bath at moment but I can I feel her, belly felt fine and crop doesn’t feel out of sort.
When was the last time she laid an egg?
What do you feed her on a daily basis?
Can you feel her belly area and report back as to how it feels?
Have you checked her crop? What does her poop look like?

Is she having trouble balancing and walking? Is she eating her regular food?
She was eating her food. Crop feels fine and poop not to sure. Was hard to get an honest view because everyone would come by me as I was checking her. She’s soaking in an epsom salt bath at the moment
This happened to my chicken, she just died yesterday. She was egg-bound had her tail down, wasn't as cheery, was wobbly and lost her appetite a bit. Not saying your chicken has it just a possibility. Do you give her oyster shells? layer feed?
This happened to my chicken, she just died yesterday. She was egg-bound had her tail down, wasn't as cheery, was wobbly and lost her appetite a bit. Not saying your chicken has it just a possibility. Do you give her oyster shells? layer feed?
Did you already have a necropsy done or did you open her up yourself?
I do not think your chicken had a stuck egg. She had multiple issues going on.
Did you already have a necropsy done or did you open her up yourself?
I do not think your chicken had a stuck egg. She had multiple issues going on.
I had called a vet like I said in my thread. I did start with the necropsy already no results yet.. vet thinks she was egg-bound after describing what was wrong with her.. sorry if she is wrong I'm by no means an expert so I went with what the vet said.
Can she walk?

When I have a bird that is acting 'off'.....
I isolate bird in a wire cage within the coop for a day or two....so I can closely monitor their intake of food and water, crop function(checking at night and in morning before providing more feed), and their poops. Feel their abdomen, from below vent to between legs, for squishy or hard swelling. Check for external parasites or any other abnormalities.

Best to put crate right in coop or run so bird is still 'with' the flock.
I like to use a fold-able wire dog crate (24"L x 18"W x 21"H) with smaller mesh(1x2) on bottom of crate under tray.
Then you can put tray underneath crate to better observe droppings without it being stepped in. If smaller mesh is carefully installed, tray can still be used inside crate.
Can she walk?

When I have a bird that is acting 'off'.....
I isolate bird in a wire cage within the coop for a day or two....so I can closely monitor their intake of food and water, crop function(checking at night and in morning before providing more feed), and their poops. Feel their abdomen, from below vent to between legs, for squishy or hard swelling. Check for external parasites or any other abnormalities.

Best to put crate right in coop or run so bird is still 'with' the flock.
I like to use a fold-able wire dog crate (24"L x 18"W x 21"H) with smaller mesh(1x2) on bottom of crate under tray.
Then you can put tray underneath crate to better observe droppings without it being stepped in. If smaller mesh is carefully installed, tray can still be used inside crate.
She can walk, wasn’t do so well last night but better this morning. I checked for egg, no egg is stuck but she feels overly skinny. She is all skin and bone. I put her in a crate in the coop. She did eat and drink. Is there anything I can give her to boost her immune system and help get weight back on her?

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