Hens turn 24 weeks this mo


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
so will they start laying this month or will they wait till spring?

I live in SW arkansas, so it's not a frigid cold winter...
duh....yeah I guess that would be helpful.
...they are Delawares
I have 9 that are 24 weeks, four different breeds. Only the Red-Stars are laying. The Marans, Buff Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers don't act like they are even close.
Hello I also have 4 hens that are about 24 weeks and was wondering when they would start laying. In another post they said I might have 2 EE/ mix and 2 red sex link. Only 1 of the red sex link has the bright red comb and waddles the others don't. I'm a fist time chicken keeper.
ok...well, after loosing another hen, I'm anxious to get some more laying. This is my first year too. I have found great joy and peace with my cluckers, and am excited to learn as much as I can...just not the loss part...these are my 'kids'! lol

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