Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

If its a hovabator 1611, the fan is on the top insdie. When its plugged in, you'll hear the fan go on or off with the light. You'll only hear a click, if its still, when the light goes on or off. If you hear a hum/ruble/etc for the duratiion of light on, your fan is working. They work only when the heat is on. (Works ok, though)]

Steal qucik. I got trapped by a goose as a young woman doing that. Not a pretty picture.
Well I'm not sure. I ordered off eBay and it did state that it was forced air BUT I have yet to find the fan. I think I was duped. I am going to message the seller but I have already given feedback and I sure am not going to send the bator back now that I have eggs in it. I didn't think about the forced air until yesterday when I set the eggs.
Anyone know where my fan should be on a styrofoam hovabator I think it is the 1611 model?
On another note, I went out to the nest pen and was CHASED AWAY
so I figure there must be more eggs. I am watching them closely and as soon as they go across the bridge to the pond I am going to steal the eggs.
Hi everybody, great to catch up on everyone's progress and 'meet' some new memebrs who've joined this thread
Best of luck with all your eggs

Iain - its very hard to judge quality from photos. There appears to be some nice birds but others which lack a keel though this often develops more with age as they're a slow to mature breed. They dont say what bloodlines they have and personally I'd pass on the eggs.

You're in an enviable position of being in the USA as there are both Grey and Buff Dewlaps available. However if it was me and you're serious - I'd order a pair of sexed Dewlaps goslings from Holderreads, in fact I wish I could ship some into the UK. Our own lines are descended from Holderread stock.

Buffs remain very rare in the UK and although I've hatched from Buffs and produced Greys I've never hatched and reared a Buff and hoping this year we'll manage that as they're lovely. Here's our main breeding trio;

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Alright, I'm just coming back to BYC after a long time away. I've had more interest in my buff Pomeranians this year than any in the past. I am on day 12 with the first set of 9 eggs to fulfill two orders of goslings. I just shipped some eggs last week and have three more orders in line. I set two giant African eggs Saturday along with another dozen chicken eggs. All 9 Pom eggs are developing very nicely. I'm really glad to see more interest in the Poms since they are rare.

Pete55 - Your buffs are very nice birds!!!
Pete, your Buffs are just lovely to look at.

Hi Brandon, welcome back to BYC. Looking forward to setting some of your eggs this month.

So out of all of the eggs we set last week it appears only 2 aren't going to progress.

We have our first Sebbie of the year hatching currently. A. Ice large hole a d a bill sticking out this morning. We have another group set to hatch in a couple of days.
Pete, thanks for taking a look. I too noticed the difference in appearances between birds. They do have buff though..... does that make any difference?

I can try holderreads for goslings, but I bet they are already sold out. I agree if I get this breed, I should try to get a breeding pair, but I have so much fun hatching eggs!! There is a member on byc that I will try to email (napolean something?) to see if she will be selling any eggs, plus I am still waiting to hear back from the lady I got my last set of ancona eggs from. If she has any, I would buy eggs from her.

In the meantime, I have 4 spiders on my toulouse eggs and I bet the 5th one (which is propped up) will develop a spider too, because it has a pretty red glow to it!! That means 100% of my toulouse eggs are developing on day 5.

My african eggs are not faring as well, but I have 2 good spiders and 2 of 3 (which are all propped up) are showing good signs towards developing. So, I am still hopeful to get 4 of 5 to develop.
Fingers crossed for everyone else!

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