Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Could mine be one of the oddballs? Cuz now I'm starting to worry. It's breathing heard and not peeping like it was. 14 Hours since external pip. Which actually doesn't sound like a long time.

My 1st dewlap pipped 25.5 hours ago... just started looking like it is zipping... except it is going the wrong way.
My 2nd dewlap pipped 18 hours ago and just working on getting the hole bigger.
Honestly, geese are so different that I'd hate to make a call here. Since what I read is generally a 24 hour period, I'd err on the side of patience just now. Mine were assisted hatches in my one hatch so far. I just didn't want to lose them, so I erred on the other side. In retrospect, I could have waited another several hours.

I'm patient.. just a little impatient.

My 1st dewlap pipped 25.5 hours ago... just started looking like it is zipping... except it is going the wrong way.
My 2nd dewlap pipped 18 hours ago and just working on getting the hole bigger.

That's a long time. You must be excited to see them. I know the feeling! I want to know what color this one is!
Well.... unfortunately, my 1st guy is stuck. When he started zipping towards the pointy end along air cell dip I decided to peel off what he had chipped up... and he looks pretty stuck inside. Getting my nerves in check before I start to help.
Hey all! Hoping someone(s) can answer a question for me tonight. I just put 9 eggs in the bator (only expecting about half to be fertile, like last time, as my geese are only a year old and I don't think Bitor is covering Sweet Girl at all). So, my Affie girl JUST laid an egg. The first one I've known for sure is hers. I would like very much to set this one as well, as she's my favorite, and I'd like to see a gosling from her and Bitor. The question... do I have to let this egg rest for a day before putting it in the bator? If need be, I'll set it a day late, but would be nice if it was ok to set them all together. Let me know. Thanks!!!!

Oh, btw, #3 is improving greatly. Finally started eating today! It's walking MUCH better already from where it was yesterday when I first put on the bandaid hobble. Very very energetic little guy, and super cuddly. Loving this little fluff ball!
So it appeared that the innermost membrane was badly stuck to egg #2's eyeball. It has a really gummy/sticky texture to it... almost rubbery. So, I ever so carefully worked my qtips on and under that membrane, getting its eye/face free. My goodness it has a huge head!

Pretty sure egg #3 is also stuck to its forehead/eye too, but I am leaving that one alone until next hour check. It's breathing is getting stronger and it's moving its head... so it's good for now. Hoping egg #1 can get further along without my help, but keeping a close eye on that one too.

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