Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Thanks for the confirmation, Marty! I went ahead and added Affie's new egg to the rest of the batch I set. I had stored the other eggs small side down in a cool (55-60 I'd guess) room prior to incubating. I brought the incubator up to temp over 3-4 hours. I did it gradually, not wanting it to spike. This bator is tempermental, it seems. :) It is stabilized (fingers crossed) and I'm off to bed.

Best of luck for everyone's pending babies!

Hi BullCreek, No fresh eggs don't need to rest a day. The sooner they are set, the better. Resting is for shipped eggs, since their air cell gets messed up, letting them set helps get things back to homeostasis for the fertile cell and egg is relies on. Ideally, eggs are set the day they are picked up, but when I'm hatching out my ducklings all summer, I set eggs every 3 days. I choose to rest them small end down, but if they were laid at your place, it doesn't matter much for three days. Just don't let them get too hot to soon.
Baby #1 is out!!!!! He did it on his own and then went straight into the drunk sailor routine. Will get a pic as soon as I can.

Embden's normally hatch as drunkin sailors
Here is our precious dewlap "Flax" at 10 hours old. The other two, which we have named Barley and Hops, will be hatched out by early afternoon.

Still no ex pip. It's been well over 24 hours now. I quickly took a peek to make sure the baby hadn't turned or anything. Still chillin with beak at the sweet spot. Theres a big brownish area over where the beak is, it's bigger than when I looked last time. Any ideas?
Hm.... 24 hours and baby is fixed in the same place as when it internally pipped? Are you seeing the dark shadows when candling?

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