Here's your sign....

One day I was snowboarding with my oldest brother, we were sitting at the top of the lift strapping in and a kid on skis that we have never seen before gets off the lift. He looked at my brother and said "DUDE!! DO YOU SNOWBOARD??" my brother stared at him blankly, pushed himself to his feet then said wile starting to go down the hill "No, snowboarding is for #@&&%^s"
that is exactly what my dh would have said

Now my youngest sister's car overheated one day on the interstate
and a feller on a motorcycle stopped by to see if she needed any help and she replied "no, I called my brother in law he is coming to help me, my car just overheated". The feller then proceeded to tell my sister that there was a creek right over the bank there if she needed more water. My sister then replied " Oh thanks, but I have a sprite right here
.............. and here's your sign.

We will never let her live that one down!

edited cause spelling is a challenge lately.
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Here ya go Camelot Farms...I got this just yesterday by a man in his late 30's/early 40's

"I do not want those eggs"


"they are green and bad"

"lol she just laid this today, I assure you it is fresh"

wait for it..... drumroll

"Chickens DO NOT lay green eggs..they lay white and brown"

My response...."please do not tell Sandy, Cindy and Cruella...they would be heartbroken to think they are laying bad eggs every day"
I worked at CVS Pharmacy in high shcool and had some of the dumbest questions asked of me.
Each day I had to wear a white lab coat, dress shirt, tie, and a huge red CVS name tag. I stood behind the counter with thousands of bottles of pills behind me. I'm ringing up customers all day. I can't tell you how many times people would ask me, "Do you work here?"

People stop at the gate to admire my peacock Horatio, especially when he is displaying his tail...... "oh you have a peacock" is it a boy or a girl...............

Nope it's just a figment of your imagination...................
I had that one thrown back in my face. Someone told me that, and I responded with a sarcastic response about where the heck they think eggs come from . . . she gives me this look and says, "Ahem. I do NOT like eggs from chickens. I eat duck eggs."

Here's my sign.
My cousin-by-marriage has come out with some doozies, more flaky than dumb... One was that she said "When I was a kid I jumped off the roof to see if I could fly ... and I did, there for a minute."

She's a great person though, and is a real sport about our laughing at her.

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