Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

Please, Can someone post a brief description of "rolling mating" and "flock mating" ?
Also your favorite combinations for breeding within a family/flock ?
Aunts, Uncles, etc.

Rollong mating: seperate single or small groups of females-males moved each day to a different group.

Flock mating: group of females with one or more males all penned together. If multiple males make sure there are enough females to keep them busy or you'll have fighting.

Brief enough?
I want to share a post that Beekissed made in another thread. It's pertinent to keeping or not keeping aggressive roosters and how to train them.


Lacy, I bookmarked this "Bee's Rooster Speak" It's an incredibly important post for me because I saw it before and lost it. Thanks so much.
Or you could just let them be chickens & not worry about their "behavior"

That was written for a lady who was getting attacked by her rooster and had tried carrying him around....not really meant for this thread at all.
I assume everyone here has a good handle on how roosters are and how to curb unwanted attention from them.

Can't believe that thing made it over here......
Interesting thread and perhaps a bit ... disheartening? We have a small flock of Silkies for fun and have decided to expand into a dual purpose bird for meat and eggs. I've done some checking around and reading before making the plunge. The heritage birds appealed to me and my husband as they represented so many things we are loosing to a faster, more, poor quality society we are turning in to.

I guess I'm feeling like it's pointless to try because there's no way we can produce hundreds of birds a year. It's just him and I on 5 acres of land. Am I right in feeling its pointless and we can't even make a small contribution?

No, that's not right. Small contributions are where it all starts. I'll never be able to put 100 chicks on the ground and watch them all grow out enough to cull for perfection. Not even. I'm starting small and will likely stay small....but that small will be good as I can get it and that's all anyone can do in this world. Take what you have~or get some good from what someone else has~and try to make it better..even if that means you go small. It's still "going".

When last I looked, this isn't a competition nor a race, so season by season you can do what you can do and see where it all goes. It's the journey, not the destination. What you produce on that journey will be of your own makings and of that you can be proud. Folks post pics here and get feedback all the time so other folks who are farther along on the journey can tell them how far they have come on up the road and that's an important sounding board. On that journey it's easy to get off the right roads by taking short cuts or not focusing on the map, so this group of folks can help you if you get lost along the way.

To me, doing chickens is almost like my spiritual life...it's my individual effort, actions and growing with the Lord that I monitor and that can't be measured against anyone else and their actions in life~or in their coops. With chickens we are all headed towards the same goal(as good as we can get them) and each have their own accounting to make when getting there, but it's never pointless. The point is that you want to go, are making plans to go, and are learning more how to go, while actually going.

Bob Blosl understood that and he would tell you to just keep "kicking that can down the road" and "keep it in the middle". Good advice.
http://www.wyandottesandrocks.com/ TX
Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club
David Atkins
Lucasville, OH 45648
Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club of America's WEBSITE
Oh! Their 2012 yearbook is out! Free online download! Always a good place to look for breeders !
Now this is helpful: The have Members Annual Point Totals by variety for many years.
Open the PDF and see who has been winning with Partridge Rocks. Then get their
contact info from the Club.

Karen, you always come up with the best info. The 2012 Yearbook has more info in one place than I've found in ages. Kudos.
Or you could just let them be chickens & not worry about their "behavior"

That was written for a lady who was getting attacked by her rooster and had tried carrying him around....not really meant for this thread at all.
I assume everyone here has a good handle on how roosters are and how to curb unwanted attention from them.

Can't believe that thing made it over here......

Well... I apologize then. If you'd like, I'll delete the post.

Edited to add: nevermind. I'm deleting it. I certainly don't want to step on any toes.
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~~Kick the can down the road, a ubiquitous phrase in American politics over the last few years,
is not a reference to the game of kick the can( some call the game "it"). It refers to the practice
of kicking a can ahead of oneself while walking along a road. So, metaphorically, the phrase
means to defer conclusive action with a short-term solution.

That is the modern definition. But decades ago, when I was a kid, it meant something different.
It was a solitary exercise. Walking along by yourself and kicking the can, trying to keep it on the road.
It was a good time to think and daydream. Maybe even whistle a bit if it were someone else but me, because I can't whistle.

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