Heritage Large Fowl - Phase II

South on 79 to Weston/Buckhannon exit. 33 East to Elkins. Getting to the farm would far more complicated than having Jason meet you in Elkins and having you follow him. It's only about 22 miles to the farm from Elkins but there are essentially no road signs that wouldn't confuse you and there's little doubt he would have to come hunt you down anyhow!
Ok, I can just see that now. Hee, hee!
A story for all.

Last week some neighborhood kids found a small gosling. When I found this out I took it from them and went to the spot where they found it. When I could not locate the chicks mother I decided to take the chick to the lake, which is only about 50 yds from my house. I figured the chicks mother may had went back to the water and she would find her baby or it would die. Knowing that the chances for this gosling was slim I put it in the water and watched as it swam away. 6 days later I came across a family of geese, all the chicks about 5 times the size of the gosling I let go. As the mother and babies where crossing the road the mother had stopped and was looking behind her and out of the grass ran a baby gosling that was to small to keep up. I smiled I knew in my heart that was the baby I let go. It never found it's mother but found a mother never the less.

This thread died when the format changed.
Now the general info is scattered to the individual breed threads.

Keep posting here. This thread always was an SOP Thread. The new one will likely fizzle out and then this one will continue. This thread has not been replaced.
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It's true that conversation on here has been all over the place lately but I think that as long as it is chicken related, there shouldn't be a problem. I mean, if the only thing we ever talk about is locating good stock for people, there wouldn't be much activity at all. All of us on here, that have been here a while, breed to the standard.
It's true that conversation on here has been all over the place lately but I think that as long as it is chicken related, there shouldn't be a problem. I mean, if the only thing we ever talk about is locating good stock for people, there wouldn't be much activity at all. All of us on here, that have been here a while, breed to the standard.
Quote:The original Heritage Large Fowl thread started with this by Bob Blosl: The thread was heritage themed with the goal of encouraging others to preserve the Heritage Breeds. Feed, pens, coops and just about anything to help "kick the can down the road" would be good to post here. If we got off of topic a bit, Bob would post something like a breed description or a Story about how he met a famous breeder as a teen working at a show in Washington State. He would end by saying something about getting back to talking about those old time Heritage breeds.

Keep posting because I do not think the new SOP page has a goal of Kicking the can, so to speak. It is more geared towards seasoned breeders that may not have much patience for those of us figuring what the heck to do with the can....
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