Hey, Angie/Angela!!! Yes, You! Angie!! Angela!!

Nice to meet you all! I know there are more on this board of 9000 people.

Hellooooooo, come out, come out, wherever you are!

This is the official Club Angie!

Please come join us!
Uummmmm, okay, just so you don't get more upset Miss Prissy, my name is Angie and I've just been pretending my name is Laura all these years. (I always thought Angie was a cooler name anyway, after Angie Dickinson.)

I have seen a lot of people signing posts with the name Angie. I am just curious how many Angie's are active on the forum.

I went to elementary thru high school with 7 Angie/Angela's. It seemed like such a common name back then and I hated it. I wanted to be something else. I never did find a name for myself but I wanted to be anything but Angie.

Now it isn't a name people are giving to baby girls very often. It is loosing favor these days.

After nearly 42 years I like my name.

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