Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I wound up getting stuck at the store last night cause the Buick wouldn't start. By the time Honey rescued me, it was late and I was too tired to cook. Thankfully he's okay with beans for dinner

Good news is, I'm ahead on dinner tonight as I already had the meat mixed up for Salisbury steaks when I left last night. So dinner tonight will be easier.

Sorry about the car! If I were stuck in a grocery store, DH would find me on the floor of the chip & cracker isle with half the bags open. As usual, its 6 here & I still don't know what I'm making...
& suddenly craving cheese-its.
Went out and had a 'fancy' meal for our anniversary last night. Tonight I will make meat loaf, scalloped potatoes, and probably yellow summer squash.
Happy Anniversary

going to be gone a lot today, so put a big ol beef roast in the crockpot with a bottle of sugar free bbq sauce. I've got coleslaw, will find some buns on the way home and have bbq beef sammiches.
I want to make something different, but I have no idea what that would be... What are you making Sour? You always seem to have well balanced, gourmet dinners.
Far from gourmet here. Rachel knows I'm a meat, potatoes, fresh vegetable and gravy sort of guy. Tonight we had meatloaf, scalloped potatoes and fried yellow summer squash plus some sourdough bread with lots of butter. Maybe I'll take an extra cholesterol pill tonight.
Tried a spin on my pork chops, apples 'n onions and we loved it! Even better than the chops! I just used chunks of pork cut into about 1.5 to 2 inch chunks, and seared them real quick, then set them aside while i carmelized the apples 'n onions, then put the pork back in the skillet and popped it all in the oven for about 10 minutes at 400°, then served it over brown rice with steamed veggies and it rocked, even if I do say so myself!
Blooie, that sounds so good!

We had salad and grinder sammiches for dinner.

It was kind of prep intensive, and I just wasn't feeling the cooking love tonight. Had a little mommy meltdown moment and had to step outside, cool off, etc. Only Big Boy and Honey noticed, wasn't that big a deal. Well, bless his heart, Sugar Monkey came out to fix his sammich, looked at the counter and said "I so appreciate all this food stuff you do for us, Mom"....melted my heart, I'm telling you! I hugged him and said thanks, I really needed to hear that tonight. He looked at me and said "cause you know, I don't even know where sammiches live to find them myself"....smart alec

this from the boy who came home and fixed himself two grilled cheese, one a double decker.

I do think I'm going to have them help with dinner more, though. They're old enough to need some skills in the kitchen. It's kind of how Honey wooed me, he made me an omelette. I was hooked
Well, the day kind of got away from me and we wound up with YOYO. When I do that, I usually make something for Honey, but he's got a 5 day weekend and I decided he could fend for himself also. I usually eat better on YOYO night myself, but tonight I had......

apple crisp.

Two servings.

and a glass of milk.

I'm thinking I did good cause there was no ice cream involved.
Last night was pork chops, baked ravioli and cauliflower and broccoli.

Today I've got chicken in the crockpot with salsa. I'll shred that and use for enchiladas. Also making some broccoli cheddar soup and maybe some oatmeal raisin cookies. Will also make a pan of bean and cheese enchiladas---might as well make two pans as one, right? will also fix Spanish rice.

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