Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Chicken caprese, baked potato, green beans and a mozzarella/Bibb lettuce/tomato/balsamic vinaigrette salad. I have really stretched this last tomato. I think there is enough left for tomorrow lunch BLT. Then I may have to go to Mc Donalds.
Today I prepped some chicken tandoori kinda thing. Adding salt to a 12hour marinade is different but i guess the yoghurt will deal :confused: I’ll zap the chicken thighs under the grill tomorrow and see how it goes.
The thighs turned out quite well. It appears that the cooking techniques of a whole sub-continent and over 2 billion people work very well- who’d a thunk it? :D
Tonight might be homemade sausage with sides yet to be determined. I ground about 20lbs of pork yesterday and left it in the fridge to marinade. I plan to stuff it into casing tonight when I get home from work. If I'm lucky, I'll get some half decent weather (no wind or snow) so I can smoke some it.
Tonight might be homemade sausage with sides yet to be determined. I ground about 20lbs of pork yesterday and left it in the fridge to marinade. I plan to stuff it into casing tonight when I get home from work. If I'm lucky, I'll get some half decent weather (no wind or snow) so I can smoke some it.
That sounds like some serious work, but smoked sausage is great :)
Honest, I've been cooking just haven't been checking in with you all. Last night was meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and spaghetti squash. Tonight I made stuffed cabbage, sauerkraut pierogies, and sweet corn.
Finishing the last of some baba-ganoush tonight. I’ve never been excited by aubergine/ egg-plant but I thought I’d give it a go. It’s about as exciting as licking snail-trails but healthy I guess :confused:

the store-bought roasted/pickled red peppers I bought are very poor, so that’s a lesson learned too. Roasting them myself and adding a healthy dose of balsamic vinegar and olive oil is much better :)

I hope the smoked trout and tuna mayo will lift the melange to something palatable :th
Son and family are here. Daughter and family are on their way. Lots of nibbles - dips, shrimp, cheese, brie, chips, etc. Later potato and sauerkraut pierogies, kielbasa and sauerkraut, baked ham. Lots of cookies and a birthday cake for DIL and grand daughter Jen.

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