Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Haggis!! A very, very SMALL amount of haggis. I don't know what else is on the menu, but we are going to the annual Robbie Burns birthday bash in Cody tonight and there's always a big ceremony when they "pipe in the haggis", parade it around on its platter for all to see, then cut it up and serve it with Scotch Whisky. I always take a small bit on a cracker and wash it down with a margarita.....I hate any whisky.
As for the banquet itself, it said it on the invitation but I don't remember what exactly it said. <sigh>

YOYO again. Princess will eat her ritual peanut butter sandwich, and I will have a hotdog sandwich and crab corn chowder.
i've read several notes in this thread and i'm not sure if it's safe to post this, but here goes:
tonite i made lobster tails - cooked in bamboo steamers, home made french fries and a side of a small arugula salad with a soy vinegarette. and for desert a key lime pie.
don't hate me...
i've read several notes in this thread and i'm not sure if it's safe to post this, but here goes:
tonite i made lobster tails - cooked in bamboo steamers, home made french fries and a side of a small arugula salad with a soy vinegarette. and for desert a key lime pie.
don't hate me...

I'm looking for a raging emoji holding a burning torch & pitchfork.... I cant find one, so I'm just gonna yell, "GET HIM!!!!"
i've read several notes in this thread and i'm not sure if it's safe to post this, but here goes:
tonite i made lobster tails - cooked in bamboo steamers, home made french fries and a side of a small arugula salad with a soy vinegarette. and for desert a key lime pie.
don't hate me...

Sure beats peanut butter and jelly. Princess has a matinee today, so she'll be home in time for Super Bowl party.

Breakfast today:
everything bagel
a spread of jalapeno cream cheese
soft scrambled eggs with thyme and gruyere cheese
a dash of cholula hot sauce.

keep raising those chickens! there's nothing better than a fresh egg...
We don't do the Super Bowl thing (is that today?) so nothing really special here. Big Boy is wanting to fire up his smoker, so I have some chicken and a pork roast to go in there. Figure I may as well take advantage of it going, the smoker is so huge, I can fit pretty much anything in there. So, we'll probably have some of that for dinner. Not sure yet on side dish, but probably salad for a veggie.
Its going to be a dip & appetizer bonanza today. That is, if I sign off & actually go make stuff. If all else fails, I at least have the frozen chili from a few weeks ago.

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