Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Thai Curry.. green, not red... chicken, coconut milk, baby corn, fresh basil, peppers, eggplant... over sticky rice. There could be some fat noodles on the side.. maybe...
Sounds like there were some great meals served last night!

DH grilled pork chops and we had baked potatoes too.

I have to (get to
) meet my x to bring my son home for a week. It is only a 3 hour drive but it will put me home about the time DH gets home or shortly there after. So I should put something in the crock pot.
However I am thinking seriously about picking up pizza on my way home! Half meat lovers for the "boys" and half veggie with jalapenos for me!!
Last night it was fried noodles, with egg assorted vegies from the garden and leftover steak cut up in small strips. I tcame out great. We also had a salad made with greens and mostly stuff from the garden, peaches from our tree and apple pie (store bought, given to us)
Woot! Pizza with jalapenos is divine!

Blueberry pancakes and a smoked turkey, mushroom, onion, red pepper, colby omelette on the side.. fresh Surimi rolls (fake crab salad stuff) for lunch... and a rotisseried chicken with some roasted potato salad with peas and fresh tarrogon (warm style), something green, and fruit salad for dinner!

I have a house full of fruit! Yikes! Berkeley Bowl had a great selection of fresh stuff ..I even brought home champagne mangos, mamey sapote and lichees! Yippeeee!
Of course, I have melon and berries and figs and papaya and all the other "normal" fare, too. Gotta keep the reptiles happy.. haha!


Tank.. enjoying some of my banana

*Edit to correct my hurried spelling..
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Everyone eats devine, eh?

Tonight it was fresh sweet corn on the grill. (I love to grill) with steak, onion, pepperjack cheese, green pepper, quesadilla's made with corn tortillas. I was too lazy to make the flour ones from scratch today. They were still delicious though....

It still seems like heaven here.

Glad to be alive.

~ bigzio
You all have been making some yummy dinners. Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us.

That critter looks like it's enjoying his meal, Aneesa's Muse!

I'm glad to hear that things have stayed cooler, bigzio!

Dinner was on the fly here, just a bunch of stuff thrown together since I was too tired to be creative - browned some ground beef, added a can of pintos, some corn, and a can of tomatoes with chilies, along with some taco seasoning, and served it over rice with a side of shredded green salad.
It seems that I was the laziest one of all of us tonight!! Boy was that pizza good though!! We have pizza about once every 3 or 4 months so we really enjoyed it. My DH wasn't to sure about the veggie half but he helped me finish it!

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