Hi guys!

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
I've really missed you all! My computer died (major hard-drive external something-unfixable), and it took awhile to find one for the right price... LOL!

Anyway, I've suffered from horrid BYC withdrawals, and it's nice to see all your smiling happy chicken-worshipping selves again! I knew things REALLY HAD HIT ROCK BOTTOM when my bantam cockeral was killed by a family pet (not sure which one) and my sister said, "didn't you pay all of $2 for him??" and.. laughed at me. YOU guys would understand! <btw, hubby told me 756x that he was sorry.. he gets it, too)

Gotta catch up on 203 new threads...

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Hi and welcome back...
If that had been my sister I never would've talked to her again, but then again she wouldn't be talking to me anyways because her jaw would be wired shut because I would've punched her out. LOL
Sorry about your birdie.

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