Hi we're the V's we have Happy Quack Farms

:eek: I would not be around to tell the story...I would have died on the spot of seeing that giant!!
It was in a laying box.....
I didn't see it until I leaned over to look into the box to check for eggs.....
It was facing out towards the opening.....
I added a bit of ventilation to the coop that day!
We have been long time readers but just joined as we heard that you have a geese forum. We raise americauna, new hampshire reds, rhode island reds, easter eggers, frizzles & seramas, and for ducks we have khakis, buffs, welsh, harlequin, pekin, ancona, and a few interbred we can't identify, geese we only do Tolouse geese right now but plan to add Sebastapols next summer, we also have goats, pigs, dogs and mice.
This site has been a plethora of info for us since we began our farm. Thanks for the site and this community.

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people!
...mice? What kind? I have a sable and white little male, named Witcher!
Thanks so much for the belly laugh! :lau

Cedar Creek Farm Lady, bet you got bonus points for that shot. :gig
:rantI don't play games when snakes are involved.
:oldI kill 1st and ask questions 2nd..... :idunno"Oh, you're not poisonous? Sorry, I don't even care!"
:barnieSnakes like to eat my eggs & baby chicks, so.....:pop

I've only had the 1 snake at this coop, it got the ceramic egg.
:celebrateI got it back!
:mad:I've had an owl kill a duck, :confused:1 pullet go missing midday, and 1 guinea (and 2 chicks) get got by my (eliminated) yard dog:smack.
:rantI have little to no tolerance for things that hurt my flock & stock.

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