Hi ! What do you use to keep coop and run not smell


In the Brooder
Feb 14, 2021
can I use Pelletized Limestone from Home Depot , is it safe for chicken ?


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That's lime. It's a caustic substance much different from limestone. Lime will burn chicken feet if it gets damp. The pellets would prove dangerous if chickens decided to try to eat them, burning their innards.

Limestone, on the other hand, is rock. It is water soluble, meaning chickens can eat it, and it will dissolve harmlessly in their intestines, providing a good source of calcium.

The best way to keep a run and coop odor free is to keep the poop collected or use a self composting bedding. (Deep litter method)
can I use Pelletized Limestone from Home Depot , is it safe for chicken ?
I wouldn't use that.... If you would like to keep the smell down in the henhoue, I recommend Manna Pro Coop n Compost. I have used it for months, and it works really well! Just make sure to follow the instructions, and it will keep the smell down :)
As for keeping the run smell free, you might want to either clean it more frequently, or change the run's floor to something like small gravel. It should help.
I hope this helps!! :)
Have a great day!
Using lime or lime stone won’t help to much with the smell, mostly just help absorb moisture. And some lime isn’t safe to use were animals are currently living as it can be caustic.

top ways to keep a coops smelling clean are to:

Clean in on a regular bases (how often depends on how many birds are living in the coop/run and how much time they spend in the coop/run)

Use deep litter method, where you cover the soiled bedding with a thick layer of clean

Use a coop deodorizer. This is usually used with one of the other methods of coop/run management.
Using lime or lime stone won’t help to much with the smell, mostly just help absorb moisture. And some lime isn’t safe to use were animals are currently living as it can be caustic.

top ways to keep a coops smelling clean are to:

Clean in on a regular bases (how often depends on how many birds are living in the coop/run and how much time they spend in the coop/run)

Use deep litter method, where you cover the soiled bedding with a thick layer of clean

Use a coop deodorizer. This is usually used with one of the other methods of coop/run management.
Like dawg53, I also use sand. Keeps the coop dry and since it's so easy to clean the poop doesn't build up. Just get a scooper, sift the poop out, and done. The coop doesn't smell much at all. It also keeps the flies away, which was my reason for switching to sand when I got my second case of flystrike.

I don't use it for the run though, but I'm sure it would still work for there as well.

Just be sure not to use play sand or anything super fine, as that is really dusty can harm your chicken's respiratory system.
In my small coop, I use Sweet PDZ in which droppings can be scooped out daily with a kitty litter shovel. It is rather expensive to start, but it lasts a long time, just needing to be added as needed. Sand would work much the same. I am also not a fan of deep litter. I find doing a cleanout occasionally in my big coop with pine shavings, and adding new bedding often is more effective.
If you clean it once every week, it won’t smell. Since Vinegar is a natural way of cleaning stuff, I’d use that for spraying and cleaning out the coop.

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