High Desert, California!!

Hi I'm in the high desert area in apple valley and I'm brand new to byc I'm looking for some pullets and I'm at a loss as to where I can find some. I'm looking for silkies,orpintons, Australorps or any hearty laid back good laying breeds. Thank you.
if you have an incubator I could sell you some eggs. I have buff orp, rir, barred and a few other mixed breeds.
Hi I'm in the high desert area in apple valley and I'm brand new to byc I'm looking for some pullets and I'm at a loss as to where I can find some. I'm looking for silkies,orpintons, Australorps or any hearty laid back good laying breeds. Thank you.

I will be heading to Loma Linda on the 20th of this month and I have some EE pullets and a rooster ....

20 week old layers .....

I have three pullets and a rooster if you are interested .....

Hay all got some new hatches of a couple Goslings and a couple of Peking ducks and some 5 toe chicks and several Easter Egg chicks

Some of the EE chicks ..

Some Molted Houdans also

The Gosling's

If anyone is interested in buying some poultry I have some new one's for sale ...
The Goslings and Ducklings are getting big fast ....
Hey gander007,
How do your birds do in Death Valley heat? I may be over stressing but I have a heck of a time here in Acton where it's been 100-110 this week. Granted, the breeds I have don't seem well suited for heat but they ought to do fine in winter. Barred Rocks, Buff Orpington and Delaware..
Hey gander007,
How do your birds do in Death Valley heat? I may be over stressing but I have a heck of a time here in Acton where it's been 100-110 this week. Granted, the breeds I have don't seem well suited for heat but they ought to do fine in winter. Barred Rocks, Buff Orpington and Delaware..

Did not intend to take so long but my computer spent several day's in the shop as it just got hot and needed something replaced ......

ctchopper, you have fine chickens for the heat but you need to make it chicken friendly now so these are some of the things I do to keep my chickens cool

1. no cracked corn after June and to October ....

2. Electrolyte in the water several times a week and in the afternoon add ice to the water and if I cant be home I make sure the ice is in the water in the morning and a blanket on the ground for them to sit on and I soak it with water for them to keep cool as it get's up to 129 F degrees in the summer for 4 to 6 weeks outside .....

3. I also have several vehicles in the yard for them to get under .....

4. One of the most favorite places for them to get is under the swamp cooler as they leak often ....

5. My main chicken coop has a roof fan to help remove excess heat and a inexpensive celling fan to pull the heat up not down to help with circulation in the coop but most of the time in the winter the chickens will roost on top of the swamp cooler ....

6. Main thing have several watering stations around the yard as chickens are not the brightest animals around ....

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