High Desert, California!!

The Facebook Group California Poultry People is offically having a meet up Saturday September 3, 2011.

Where- North Edwards, CA
exit 188 off HWY 58, follow the signs

PM me for exact address

Time- 3pm - 8pm

What to bring- yourselves, birds or poultry related items for sale and something to share for our Potluck/Cookout, chairs and a table if you need one to set up on

See you there!

Stop by and join us on Facebook, let us know if you'll be there.
Hello High Desert People
We are in Hesperia and I was curious if anyone knows a good vet for chickens.

One of our girls is limping and we are completely clueless as to what could have happened. No sign of broken bones. In order to give her rest she is separated from the others for now and we have been giving her nutritious treats. To see if rest will help her leg.
She good have jumped of her roost and landed funny, I am not sure. But just in CASE she doesn't get better I would like to know a vet I could consult. Anyone?

Please help
Thank you
Hi All,

I recognize NosyChickens from California Poultry People (check them out on FB), but I am new BYC. I am also pretty new to chicken keeping. I bought my first ("fixer") house on 1.1 acres of livestock zoned property in BFE Lancaster in April of last year.

I researched a lot of breeds, but I wanted something that was heat and cold tolerant, had a good temperament, was a decent layer, and once I learned what the term meant, I really wanted a Heritage Breed.

I now have 18 Dorking chickens (at present count) that were part of the plan. 6 adult guineas, 5 blue guinea chicks I incubator hatched, and 2 BR + 2 white Cochin hens that I got from someone that needed to re home them, than were definitely not part of the plan... but they are now. After you have shared your breakfast on the patio with a Barred Rock hen who has decided she is a lap chicken... I would imagine it is better than watching fish in an aquarium for lowering your blood pressure

Anyway, I just wanted to check in with the High Desert "Peeps" and say hello.


PS- I look forward to meeting some of you at the California Poultry People Meet Up that NosyChickens mentioned. Sounds like fun
Sorry that I didn't see this sooner. Dr. McClaine at Desert Care Animal Hospital on Main Street at 9th (NW corner) will see chickens....and anything that you can get into her office. GREAT VET!! We have been going to her since 2001. She recently added Dr. Keith Dan to her office, which we really like as well. Not sure if he see's chickens, but I know from personal experience that she does! She owns 'em herself as well.

edited to add: Their office # is 760-949-7387
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Does anyone know anyone ( or maybe you are) renting out a place that is chicken friendly? It has to be close to Lancaster or Palmdale area because my fiance is working in Santa Clarita... But if anyone can give me leads..I would really appreciate it.
Hi ChicksterJo
I can foster your chicken I send you a PM. if you intersted contact me via e.mail I am in Palmdale east area.
I have to sell my flock so anyone who wants to purchase 3 White Ameraucanas (true - ~19 weeks old, pullets), 1 Blue Copper Marans (Bev Davis, 28 weeks old, laying), 1 Red Star (32 weeks old, laying), and 1 hatchery Delaware (I think from Red Wing Hatchery, 23 weeks old, laying) - and I will throw in some Eprinex Pour On (the smallest bottle) - all for $100. I will throw in a couple of feeders too (one is galvanized, the other is plastic). ( = 6 pullets, 3 at POL and 3 already laying)

I would prefer people from around me because you would have to pick them up and that you purchase all six. I really don't want to find two or three separate buyers. PM me if you are interested.

I can also PM you pictures esp. of their eggs so you can see how dark the Blue Copper's eggs are so far (she has just started).
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