Home Made Incubator

You will have better luck if you wait until you have all of your eggs and put them in the incubator at the same time. Because the last three days of incubation eggs need much higher humidity doing a staggered hatch creates problems and makes things more difficult. Wish you lots of luck

​That's awesome! As of this moment, I have 6 eggs that will arrive tomorrow from a farm just an hour or so away. Plus my husband is going to get a few more this weekend. Maybe 1-1/2 Dz More.
Here is a link


She also has a cabinet incubator somewhere too but you're probably not hatching that many eggs

But it's a really easy step by step guide and she has lots of other tips on incubating too
I'll go take a look now. Thank you!

Thank you :) Yeah My plan is to definitely wait until I have them all. The first 1/2 Dz will be here tomorrow and then we are getting another DZ from a local farmer on Thursday.
Here is a link


She also has a cabinet incubator somewhere too but you're probably not hatching that many eggs

But it's a really easy step by step guide and she has lots of other tips on incubating too

Ouch. She mentions that Water Heaters are not good, Yet that's what I have, With no time to get anything else. Ugh. I guess we will continue with the way we planned, And just try to monitor it more closely.
​Ouch. She mentions that Water Heaters are not good, Yet that's what I have, With no time to get anything else. Ugh. I guess we will continue with the way we planned, And just try to monitor it more closely.

It's okay, it's not the only way and I'm sure you can make it work if you monitor it :)
Yeah I'll just make sure to watch it closely and give it a good test run a few days before adding the eggs. I have everything else she mentions so Hopefully it will work well.

That sounds like a good plan! Is the incubator already built and that's why you can't get the other kind? I think it should work as long as you watch it closely :)

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