Homeless hen in my yard

What kind of shelter did you make her, and does it have a secure run around it? If it does, you might be able to lure her in with some treats, scratch grains or mealy worms would probably work easiest. Then lock her up for a few days to let her know that it’s her new home. As long there is enough room, there shouldn’t be a problem.

And it would be best to get her 2 friends, instead of one. That way if something happened to one, you would still have 2. A single hen is a lonely hen.

Good luck!
Need to find where she sleeps at night, grab her then...
....neighbors need to keep birds confined somehow or figure out why this one bird will not stay at home.
She sleeps in a tree around 3 metres up.
Helloo GinaBH
Welcome to BYC.
I think you need to speak to your neighbour before you think about kidnapping this hen and getting her some companions.

Hi yes I speak with my neighbour every day. Last convo was that it’s getting to stressful chasing the hen and that we should keep her here. So now I need some info on raising a chicken.

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