Horse Colic, UPDATE I lost him tonight

I am so sorry! No words can replace the raw emotions you must be feeling for Mr. At least he tells you that it is time for him to go. No more suffering my dear friend and make that conscience you made for your friend was a GOOD one!
I am certain he will be waiting for you in heaven when it is your time to go.

For your wrist, get well FAST! I know it hurts like &$#@!!!
I am sorry... I couldn't imagin loosing my horse to anything... she is 18+ years and is my baby... I have had her for ten years now... Her name is scarlet after scarlet o'hara and boy does she have the heart goes out to you... keeping you in my thoughts
I'm so sorry for you and Mr. Poor Mr would have surely died alone and unloved if you hadn't pulled out all the stops to get him home again. It hurts like hell, I know, but you did the right thing for your buddy.
Oh, I am SO sorry you lost your compadre. I know what it means to have that one in a million horse that is like a person to you. Sorry also that you broke your wrist. Don't let your sadness over your loss of Mr let you take less good care of yourself. You deserve the best of care like you gave to him. HUGE hugs from California... RIP Mr. You were the best!

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