Horse trainer suggestions

Oh wow -- <whaps self upside the head> --I did not realize til I read Cara's post (actually, til I read it a couple times, because I couldn't see what I'd said that was so rude) that *horsechick was* answering her own post and the one saying she wanted a trainer to start a greenie. NOW I understand!

I apologize a whole lot for being stupid and not checking who said what carefully enough!

Going to go sit in the corner awhile
(but, since now i*do* know what you're looking for, I *will* email my Ohio connections and see what they have to recommend for you),

Thanks all for the helpful links and suggestions. I'll check them out via mapquest and see what is what and go from there.
Normally we just send them to Findlay for starting, very cost effective, the horses get worked and well fed/taken care of. We had one come home a little over 1250lbs :eek: OMG and fit as an olympic champion!
We know all to well about being taken advantage of...we had one at Findlay who placed 3rd in her pleasure class of 25 and only being broke out that semester, We were very happy with her, then sent her to a trainer at $600 per month and she wasn't even finished walk trot when we pulled her (had a feeling....).
So if anything we'd stick with Findlay but always nice too know of possible different options.
And who knows maybe find one that you really click with.
Our horses are all very trusting and friendly, good dispositions, and we don't want that ruined by any means. (probably why we have a 5 yr old now that isn't started...I'm too scared to let them go.) LOL!
I also know some trainers that are very unscrupulous, if you know what I'm saying.
That in turn has just frightened the heck out of me from venturing out any further. LOL!
You really have to find one you trust, and it can be SOOOOO hard.
Thanks again for the helpful suggestions, I really appreciate it!

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