
he's my sister's :rolleyes: he was for breeding,but then they gelded him,and we bought him. They said he was black

Nice name!! Do you and your sister ride him?
me and my sister used too,but he bolted,and I fell off and I've been terrified to ride horses ever since. I was about 6. My sister just...kinda stopped horse riding when we moved away from the best horse stables ever,Old West. My mom's horse just had to be put down,so he's been a little depressed.
me and my sister used too,but he bolted,and I fell off and I've been terrified to ride horses ever since. I was about 6. My sister just...kinda stopped horse riding when we moved away from the best horse stables ever,Old West. My mom's horse just had to be put down,so he's been a little depressed.
aw! Do you still like horses a little?
ME TO! well I don't have one (I want to) but I love equines!

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