How attached to your spouse are you?

Me and DH have only been married a bit over a year, but have been together for 7 (and living together). We took a break somewhere in that 7 years, for about 5 months. We both realized how foolish we had been. We got back together and since that day have been inseperable. We had a baby, got married, bought a house, and are expecting our second. We always leave with a kiss and return with a kiss. We talk about EVERYTHING together. I text him while on my lunch break and vice versa. I would -die- without him possibly.

A few months ago he had a dream that I leaved him. He woke up sweaty and just held his face in his hands. I asked him what was wrong and all he said was "Just, promise you'll never leave me." I told him of course I'd never do that! But I can understand a nightmare when you have one. I had to live 5 months without him, and couldn't bare to do it again. I've learned to live in this routine, and without it it change my life forever.
Doesn't everybody do this?


UUhhhhmmm,.. no...

but more power to ya if do and someone loves ya anyway!!

I think they do just won't admit it.

I've been with my husband since high school. Nearly 23 yrs together 20 yrs married this summer. He is my best friend in the world. We do everything together. I do cherish my time alone at home during the day when the kids are at school and he is at work. Just because it is the ONLY time the house is clean for more than a minute and I can get so much done. But weekends we do everything together. He is my rock.
mr. birdaholic :

That ain't what women are after when they say they like the manly smell, is it?
I don't wanna smell manly.

You never know.... A little eau de pew might make all the difference.
Or depending on how many animals you have and where..... eau de poo.

And on that note Sharon will be home in about 20 minutes so time to build the fire so she can be toasty warm, turn on the porch light, finish dinner and meet her at the door. Even us manly men have chores. LOL

You never know.... A little eau de pew might make all the difference.
Or depending on how many animals you have and where..... eau de poo.

And on that note Sharon will be home in about 20 minutes so time to build the fire so she can be toasty warm, turn on the porch light, finish dinner and meet her at the door. Even us manly men have chores. LOL


Front porch light was on, fire was burning nicely, and I was greeted by the pack and
All smelling like the outside and like they had enjoyed their day together. No bones are allowed in the house, so I guess they hide them all or ate them.
Now everyone is laying around the living room and yes that includes Steve. On the floor in front of the fire.
I guess I will sign off now and try to find a place in front of the fire too.
Love you, Steve, and your funny post.
I am lost when the hubby has to be away even just a night. I don't like when he is gone at work and I think about him but I'm not miserable ( well sometimes). I would say I am pretty dang attached. We have only been married 11 years. We have been together 12.
attached? yes

obsessed? no

married for 21 - together for 23

a couple of times a year I run to the cape for peace and quiet. Don't feel bad for him though - he hates the cape

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