How attached to your spouse are you?

The butt sniffing and rolling in smelly stuff aside....this is the sweetest thing I have read in a while. It is so nice to hear a MAN expressing such sweet emotion towards his wife in a PUBLIC setting. Steve, you have made my day!
I love this thread! How wonderful. I stay at home and look forward to when my son comes home and then we wait for my husband. I always greet him at the door with a kiss and take his lunch and things. Dinner is ready and we all sit down to eat together. I love my life!

I am almost always home when he is home. However when I am gone he always does something for me. One time I had to be gone for a few hours, he built me a beautiful new brooder! Then this past Wed I had a dentist appoinment. I came home to the bed made, the floor vacuumed and the laundry started
I don't currently have a spouse, nor do I plan on getting one. With that being said, I wanted to say I really, really enjoyed reading all your posts. May y'all always feel the same way about each other!!!
OMG I want one of those!!! My hubby cant even put a pop can in the garbage half the time. It sits in the sink, and the garbage is under the sink!

I love my hubby and wouldnt trade him for anything. We work together and get along great. One thing he does do for me though, he drags my deer outta the woods, cuz I'm not strong enough.
He is my heart and soul. I miss him when he is at work even though he tries to call me at least once. When I hear the door close on his car at night, I give the puppy the sign that "Daddy" is home. Just to see his smile makes me melt.

But the boy can drive me crazy!!!!! He can wash, hang, and then fold laundry. But does he put it away? NO! He stacks it on the bed! He can't stand his hands to be dirty, but he never wipes his feet before coming across the carpet!! Took me 2 years before I could take him out to dinner. He was a Grunt, not an Officer and a Gentleman. He's a packrat! He saves want adds because he saw that "they were looking to hire someone" Yeah, 2 YEARS AGO!!!!

Can't live with them, can't shoot them!
We're soul mates, best friends, business partners, boyfriend/girlfriend, lovers, everything but husband and wife as we've seen it done. And everyone said we wouldn't make it because we got married too young. Pa-lease, we'll die at the same time when we're 95 years old. At least that's the plan. We're so stuck on each other we'll be that old couple who goes within days of each other, the one left dying of a broken heart. My great grand parents did that. Married for 52 years and died within 3 days of each other.

We have games, secrets, inside jokes, it's sickening really. Acting like we just met yesterday or something when really it was 10 years ago this coming March. When we fight, we really have at it. But both of us know what it is and why, and leaving or quitting is never part of the argument. We don't scream and yell. And it always ends with some stupid joke so we're not mad any more. Sometimes I just want to be mad, and he won't let me stay mad.

Once I busted his lip open, he still has that scar. I was trying to leave in my car and he wouldn't have it, there is no leaving during a fight, you have to talk it through. I popped that door open to tell him what I thought about that, just as he stepped forward, and the corner of the door hit his lip. I've never been able to live that down, and he'll turn it into a joke and say "You better just calm down before you bust my lip open again". I laugh, remembering the look on his face then, and we talk it out and get on with life. He trained me to control my bullheaded Irish temper. Took awhile, but I've learned the art of talking instead of storming off to be mad. If he wasn't a talker, we would have had one big blow out and called it quits.

We've learned to cope through stress together, make plans and make things happen, be supportive of the other, and we both know our strengths and weaknesses. He's not allowed to do laundry. I'm not allowed to go to anyplace selling animals by myself or with an enabler. He can do dishes, but cooking is my job 9 times out of 10. We rely on each other so much that when we have to be apart for one reason or another, we can't function for a week or more. When the Army dragged him off to the other side of the planet, it took all my resolve to keep it together. That's when my bull headed Irish stuff came in handy. I don't care if I've been left in this foreign country to fend for myself for a year, I'm not quitting. Instead, I decided I liked wine.

We've been spending a lot of time together as he takes his time looking for a job. He's been out of the Army for several months now. It will be so weird when he goes back to work.

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