How can I keep my brooder from reeking

Start weaning them off the heat now, tho that's gonna be hard in that small brooder.
Is brooder inside your house or...?
Is that a heat lamp under that blanket?<cringes>
The brooder is in my room. I would keep them in the garage but there are rats and I am worried about them being with the rats. Yes that is a blanket over the heat lamp. I have found that it works quite well at balancing the temperature.
I apologize if I was doing this wrong. I was going off of things that I read on this website and others. I was told I shouldn’t put the chicks outside if they were under 6 weeks old and to decrease the heat by five degrees every week. I wasn’t trying to be a bad chick owner I was only trying to do what I thought you were supposed to.
My parents also raised baby chicks and they were telling me that my set up was the best way to go about it.
The brooder is in my room. I would keep them in the garage but there are rats and I am worried about them being with the rats. Yes that is a blanket over the heat lamp. I have found that it works quite well at balancing the temperature.
Very dangerous.

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