How can you cool down you chicken on a hot day?

I tried to picture that and almost choked laughing!

Mine won't even get their FEET wet!
this past summer we had temps near 100 and humid, I froze 2 cup blocks of ice to put in the waterer and ran a fan in the coop. They did ok and liked hanging out in the shade near my well with gravel on top. they would dig a hole down in a few inches to stay cool and I would water that area to keep it damp and cool. OH also half frozen sweet corn and grapes were a big hit.
Ooh, ooh, a memory just sneaked in! I used to freeze gallon milk jugs and set a cheapo box fan to blow ACROSS them toward the chickens. It really drops the heat!
Some folks have used shallow pans of cool water for the chickens to walk in (some chickens will think you're going to FRY them up in it)

Cold/frozen fruit's.

Bottles filled with water and frozen are handy in smaller coops/areas.

Make sure they have a shady dirt area to bath in and fluff around...
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so my girls arent the only weird ones of the bunch then? LOL Glad someone else's chickens like water
When it rains all 6 of mine are out in it ...and actually SIT in the puddles, looking for them even though they have a tarp over their run. I thought chickens didnt like water? Gosh they sure do look pitiful when they are wet dont they?

Yep - ice cold watermelon or cantelope (but watermelon is their favorite here) - chilled grapes, cold yogurt or cottage cheese (I put mine in a smaller dish inside of a bigger dish filled with ice to keep it cooler longer). They LOVE yogurt...and berries too. Ice cold berries.

I also have a battery operated fan in one area of their coop to help circulate the air. Its one of those kind you use for camping in a tent so no electricity is needed
Dh bought a water mister at tru value
tied it around their run
attached it to the hose
and they are sprayed very lightly
as they scratch in their cover run..
I have tried a sprinkler but my birds weren't to keen with it. I just make sure they have access to shade and plenty of water. I live in Florida and it gets pretty hot here in the summer. I know it gets hot other places too, but when the heat comes it stays for a few months.
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Well my chickens LOVED the watermelon.
I made a puddle of water in their cage in the dirt but they only drank it! Yuck!
After the water had dried up a little they loved scratching around in the muddy soil.
I think they really appreciated the cool change that afternoon!
Well my chickens LOVED the watermelon.
I made a puddle of water in their cage in the dirt but they only drank it! Yuck!
After the water had dried up a little they loved scratching around in the muddy soil.
I think they really appreciated the cool change that afternoon!

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