How did you come up with your screen name?

Since I have become interested in chickens, my husband calls me "chicken lady". I shortened it to a form no one else was using! Not too original...
I love that. Our farm name is "Just By Chance" Farm. It always seems to happen that way.

My screen name 2manyhats came from an Amy Grant song. I work as a Physical Therapist by day, homeschool kids, farm, etc. Too many hats. (I love my crazy life).
I used to live on lake erie and radio stations up there call it the "North Coast" (get it?) I am also a Cedar Point addict, hence the -er. I miss it terribly, and would move there in a heartbeat.
The name Spook comes from enjoying the metaphysical, dowsing, mediumship, and all those "spooky" things. (no I am not into black magic-I'm a Spiritualist, God is a big part of my life). ~Kel
My screen name is taken from the name of one of my first chickens, years ago, an OEGB who was broody a lot and an outright attack chicken when she was broody. I remember telling my mother once that she had a "very serious bill." My mother was tickled by that, and from then on, "Serious Bill" was the hen's name. She was a great, fiesty little bird, and she started all this chicken craziness for me.
Mine's pretty straightforward. Starting backwards, my name is Ron, I am a man, and my main guitar is a Fender Stratocaster.

Maybe not too imaginative, but definitely descriptive.

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