How do I clean her

Sounds like you are doing a great job. Mites affect chickens every now and then, and Bella doesn't look like she has a very bad case, but the illness can still really drain her. As long as you have applied Sevin dust in a well-ventilated area and oiled the vent with either baby, veggie, or olive oil, then your bird will be fine. It is good that you noticed this! She should be back to normal in a week. Feeding some tasty foods won't hurt either. Kathy suggested scrambled eggs and crumbles before, and I second that. Chickens love their eggs. One egg can be a meal for a chicken.
Will do. Thank you
So grateful for BYC.
No problem. It's what BYC is here for

HS Pye
I would second not bathing in this kind of weather. You can turn her over, part the feathers, and can see lice or mites crawling if she has them. Sevin dust will kill either lice or mites immediately, and retreat in 7-10 days for the lice /mite eggs. On her vent if those little white specks aren't lice, I would look at her poop for tapeworm specks. Do you think she was attacked in the coop? Can she stand now if you stand her up, or is she just sitting and wobbly still? Did she have a Mareks vaccine? Here is a picture of tapeworm.
I did not see eye sight not so great. I probably will see better in day light. I did see some black flakes, reminded me of flea dirt. She is standing for short periods. Stood to drink some water and eat some treats from my hand. Then she sat back down. I know she wasn't attacked in coop. Got 3 hens and they don't fight at all. On Mareks, I am gonna guess no on vaccinated. There is a man on here who got his chickens from same guy..I could ask him. My heart and mind can not even handle that possibility. For the droppings..they been frozen with shavings stuck to them lately. I think I will shoot the guy a pm and ask..maybe the man did vaccinate..
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Poop pic..Guess she has worms too? I see those little segments :( Would worms make her so sick? Ok can I ask for regiment for worms..never wormed and will hit feed store tomorrow. She is eating and drinking, so there is one thing going I think is good
Dawg53 is the best worm expert on BYC. Valbazen is the only wormer that will for sure get tapeworms. You might want to have your vet check a stool sample for sure. It is harder to treat tapes than other worms. SafeGuard horse paste or liquid goat wormer can also be used at larger doses several days in a row.

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