How do I convince my parents to let me get chickens?

So, we have some bad news. Chickens aren't allowed in the city that I live in, but my family and I live right on the border of the city and town and they are allowed in the town. My dad knows the mayor, so he is going to try to convince him and everyone else who enforces this policy that if we can get all our neighbors approval then maybe we can get some chickens. My neighbors are all super nice, so I don't think convincing them will be a problem. My family owns 6 acres so we also have plenty of room, and I think we will have to keep them fenced up, so I'd build a BIG run! Wish me luck!! :fl:D
Good luck!!! Post back and let us know.
So my dad tried to make it happen, but couldn't. The quail won't work either, there is an ordinance against them, but I am going to try to get my school to add chickens onto the garden club. There are many other people at my school also interested, so we could definitely get enough people. We could also then have a few volunteers from the club go and sell eggs at the farmers market that is around here every summer, and have fundraisers to help cover the costs of the feed and coop and chicks. When I have more information, I'll let you know, but for now, Bye!!
...but I am going to try to get my school to add chickens onto the garden club... I'll let you know, but for now, Bye!!

You are very clearly a resourceful and flexible young lady! Many would mope, you have chosen another path that may, in fact, be better as more young folks would benefit. Regardless, these qualities will serve you well as you move forward.

Keep on truckin'

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