How do I raise these chicks


5 Years
Apr 30, 2014
South of South Carolina
Hi I'm new at raising chicks I have many questions! I have two baby chicks that are about two to three weeks old I bought. A heat lamp but they never use it and stay in the shade should I keep it or. Return it? :/ I've had them for a day and they haven't touched the water except to step in it and poop, I replaced it with clean water, they haven drinken water all day I gave then regular well water and water with probiotics and electro lights in them should I be worried? Next I saw a little fear poop, we were in the car, with a little red in it when I first got them but now it doesn't, and lastly I have no idea what breed they are, the chicks I got is my profile pic. They have feathers on their feet and I hope the arn't Cornish rocks because I heard they lived for at the most a year.


Thank you
Hi Megah and

Put a second waterer in with just plain water. Let them choose. There is salt in the electrolytes. It is good for them in measured amounts. But they should be able to choose when they want it. Just give them a choice. Dip their beaks in the water so they know what it is. The salt in the electrolytes makes them thirsty and then they drink more and get more salt in their system and so on until they can get overloaded with salt. So put another waterer in there with just plain water. Then they can choose and they will drink as much of each as they want.
They still need a light at this age. The fact they are over in the dark probably means you have it too close to them and it's too hot under it. Lift the light higher until they sleep comfortably underneath it. Then you will know you have the heat just right. They should sleep underneath it next to each other.
Enjoy your chicks!

Best Regards,
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Thanks I'll try that in the morning because they are sleeping and I tried dipping the beaks in the water but they just walked away I have metal plates for them that are shinny can that also be why they arn't drinking water
Im new to this site but have incubated & raised chicks for a few yrs now. Just a thought here..... you'll know if the heat is right when they stretch out like a carpet to sleep. If they are sitting away from the light in a ball the light is too warm. If they are huddled under the light together they need more light orwarmth. Also, a chick that is warm enough should be moving around. pecking around, scratching at the bedding & not chirpping loudly. Hope this helps.

By the way Karen. love your Light Brahma. Im trying to add some Light Brahma pullets or hens to my flock now. It seems they are harder to find now than they used to be.
oh, my personal info says I joined in 2008. I never successfuly got on the site. in case anyone wonders seeing that date.
Yes. get a box w/ihigher sides. You can use a large plastic storage know the ones they sell at target in storage section. Or, get a cardboard box w/high sides. You'd hate to have a chick get out & fall.

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