How do you cull chickens?


Aug 9, 2019
Central Wisconsin
So I have to put one of my hens down. I been prolonging it. I have an empty milk jug. Gonna hang her upside down so she goes to sleep and cull.

Here is the thing- I have never done it before. I was curious if there is a video on it?
We did a neck pull on an injured chicken. My husband said that was very hard to do and she didn’t go the first time. I did watch a video on that.

I might have to go find a farmer and ask them to do it- sigh.
I guess I will put on my big girl boots and figure this out. I don’t want the hen to suffer anymore- she has a bad leg- nests on the floor and walking is hard for her. She is in pain for sure- we call her gimpy. She has been this way for awhile but lately it has progressed. It is time.
The cold will just make her aches worst.

If you know of a video on this? I tried YouTube. And they skip the deed. Do I use an ax or knife and sorry if I being blunt. I will probably cry my eyes out after this. 😞
Sorry you have to do this. It is often the right thing to do but it’s emotionally hard.

Bleeding out is not a humane killing method so I use the broomstick method at night with the red light on my head lamp on instead of the white light. That helps keep the chicken calm.

This video shows the whole process. One part that isn’t explicitly covered is that you can dig a little groove in the ground with your heel to make sure the hen’s breathing isn’t stopped right before you snap the neck. That will help her not panic.

Good luck to you and your hen.
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Do I use an ax or knife and sorry if I being blunt.
For cutting off the head, you can use any sharp tool that you can handle safely. Do make sure it's sharp enough.

That could be a knife.

Or it could be an ax, machete, or cleaver (use a chopping block so your cut goes through the neck into the block.)

I've also read of people using pruners or loppers (those things like giant scissors for pruning tree limbs).

Bleeding out is not a humane killing method so I use the broomstick method at night with only my red light head lamp on. That helps keep the chicken calm.
I think cutting the head completely off can be just as humane as the broomstick method, but I agree with you about avoiding any method that just cuts the blood vessels and lets the chicken bleed to death.

It really comes down to what a particular person can do, without hurting themself and without messing it up (causing extra suffering for the chicken.)
There are a variety of ways to cull. You should pick the one that you feel you will be the most adept at. Broomstick method is great, but it can be tricky to get the technique right. If you don't have someone who can help you with the broomstick method that's more experienced, I would cut off her head with a sharp implement, whether that's an ax, hatchet, machete...
We (and by “we” I mean DH) use the hatchet and stump method. Pound two nails in a V in the stump, put the chicken’s neck in that V, pull until it’s slightly taut, decapitate with a sharp hatchet. I am not coordinated or confident enough to do that. If I ever find myself in the position of having to do it myself, it will be with a cone of some sort and a new, sharp tree lopper.

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