how do you hatch your eggs from day 18 & on????

none of our chickens have ever been broody so we incubate them in one of our incubators... we keep the temp between 99.5 & 100..... the humidity between 35-40 for 18 days.... on day 18 we stop turning them and raise the humidity 65-70 and on days 21-23 they should hatch... ours hatched on exactly day 21!!! I hope this information helps you Cereal
you are using a broody chicken to hatch eggs??? if so I am not sure how it works but I am pretty sure it is around the same time for a chicken laying on them... have you candled any of the eggs???
Last year we candled and hatched 4 and I believe it was on day 21 exactly. Yes I am using a broody banty hen and she is great but going to be disappointed when we have to go to the feed store for her "babies" - by the way - how do hens take on fosters? I have read a little but will keep researching.

It is day 23 now and we candled again last night. We candled at the beginning and saw 5 of 6 were fertile. Two eggs are so dark that no light shows through. Should I try breaking them carefully?
We keep our babes inside until they have 90% of their feathers but once we introduce then to our older chickens they do very well.. In matter of fact 2 of our older hens have taken over the mommy role and keeps the rooster away from the younger for trying to open an egg it is all up to u.. we have found that if they go past 25 days they have died inside the egg ( incubator ) but we are not 100% sure how long it will take in the cooler temps with a broody hen... most of the time if the egg is no good the chicken will discard the egg.....I've never had it happen but my hubby says if they are fertile & still alive they will hatch real soon... but again it is up to you if you try to open one up and see whats going on. I know there is an article ( step by step ) showing how to check (open ) the egg without possibly harming the baby ( if alive )... good luck let me know what happens.
Thank you. I will try to find the article you speak about opening up the egg without harming the possible live chick inside. Will let you know
I agree, momma would kick the eggs out or leave the nest if they weren't still viable. I'd give her some time, especially if your weather has been cold and/or dry.
All five chicks dead. I did the water candle test thing and they barely stayed afloat let alone move. Cracked them all and looks as if they all died at about day 10ish. So at least I was correct by believing they were all fertile when I candled them in the beginning. We had a bit of a cold snap and I did not separate her from the other hens early enough. . . .she was sitting in another nest about half way through cause another hen kicked her out and was sitting on them. Not sure how long they were without momma or foster momma so this could have been when tragedy struck.

So . . . went to the neighbor and traded for 6 more fertile eggs (our banty rooster has not proved himself to be getting the job done). Took momma out for a walk, dusting, and a poop, and back in broody mode she went. 21 more days for momma I suppose and this time no interference cause she is in her nursery. Wish us luck
oh wow.. I am so sorry they all didn't make it but I wish you the best on this new hatch!!!! I hope you get some babies!!! keep me posted!!!!!??????
I am sure it was the hen getting kicked out for longer than is good because they were all at the same stage. I just feel bad that she has the urge to sit another 21 days!

We will definitely be taking her for some special walks to relieve herself and feeding her specially prepared meals for her efforts :)

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