How early have your birds started laying?

does anyone know when aussies and gold brahmas should start to lay.I have 2 aussies and one gold brahma they r ten and a half weeks ol
I have heard that brahma's can be a little later then average. Most chickens will start laying between 20-24 weeks with some a little early and some a little later. Brahma's can take up to 7 months before they start to lay.
I have heard that brahma's can be a little later then average. Most chickens will start laying between 20-24 weeks with some a little early and some a little later. Brahma's can take up to 7 months before they start to lay.
10 1/2 weeks is pretty early My brahmas started between 22 and maybe 25 weeks.Could be earlierthoug has all my chickens didn't start unt l at least 22
The hens comb will get bright red some weeks before it starts to lay Then you will know its coming not too long.
Then next they cluck and find spots to roost for some days or a couple weeks before they lay.GOOD LUCK!!
Hello! Sounds like predicting when your girls will lay is not easy !! I am wondering if anyone has experience with bantams - we are not totally sure how old our girls are which doesn't help ?! Any ideas on whether we should be expecting anything soon?

Howe old are they?Pretty hens!!
I had 2 and think mine laid around 5 months old .They were still in my bathroom b/c of a long winter GUCK!!
What a mess never again.
Well I'm still egg-less. But my girls are only 16.5 weeks old
I should learn to be patient I guess. Now 5 out of 6 have red larger combs and wattles and have been practicing their egg songs! Holy cow they get loud
Still no squatting though
Are they free ranging ? they may be laying in some hidey hole in your yard.!!
With 26 Golden Sex Links, I have one laying at 16 weeks. The eggs are small. Now waiting on the other 25 to start laying.
The waiting game is killing me! I have 9 hens all at about 18 weeks. I am checking my coop twice a day for eggs. My gals like to free range, but I have been keeping them in the coop/run until the late evening hoping they will lay in their nests. I guess I will just keep waiting...I am not seeing any "nesting" actions yet. Boo
Are they free ranging ? they may be laying in some hidey hole in your yard.!!
Nope, chicken run. One started laying 10 days ago at 17.5 weeks old, and I've gotten 4 eggs from them. This morning my daughter found an egg from a new layer :) They will be 19 weeks old tomorrow

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