How early have your birds started laying?

Hello! Sounds like predicting when your girls will lay is not easy !! I am wondering if anyone has experience with bantams - we are not totally sure how old our girls are which doesn't help ?! Any ideas on whether we should be expecting anything soon?

Hello Sorry for MIA lately just stuff going on..any ways.. 2 out of my 3 RIR are getting redder and playing in and out of the nesting boxes so it should be soon. Still getting 2 eggs a day from our BO's which is very nice but like more eggs. I have time I can wait :)
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We have a mixed flock! My daughter bought 29 chicks that were hatched about Mar 20. Last Monday (at exactly 20 weeks) we got our first pullet pellet! On Tue, Wed, Thur. we got 2 pellets each day. Today we got 5 pullet pellets!! we are so excited! We just can't tell who's laying for sure. We have 6 gold sexlinks(brown), 2 golden laced wyandots (brown), 2 buff orpingtons (brown), 6 EEs (blue/green), 3 blue andelusions (white), 1 white rock (Brown), 3 coo-coo marans (drk brown), 3 blue copper marans (drkr brown), and 1 mystery chick. We also had 2 silver laced wyandots but they died. Obviously we can tell the white and greens from the browns, but telling who laid the various shades of brown and which of the multiple chicks are laying is still a mystery. Guess the imprtant part is that we're getting eggs! and the colors will look so pretty mixed in the cartons when we take them to the farmer's market.
My chickie-doos (as my 5 and 4 year old girls call them) started laying at 16 weeks WHILE WE WERE ON VACATION....noooo!!!! My brother was chicken sitting at the time and called to tell me they started laying! I was so bummed! We have 12 chickens and are up to 10 eggs today!! Woo hoo!!

This happened to me as well with my first two! They had taken ages (27 weeks old crossbreeds) but my brand new RIR laid yesterday at 18 weeks. I can hear her bashing around in the nest box now, hoping for another one :)
Out of 8 hens am getting 4-6 eggs a day! A couple fart eggs now and then so know the young birds are starting to produce. Can't wait till I get 8 eggs out of 8 hens! Happy with what Iam getting now though. One white rock-one white leghorn - 2 RIR and 4 New Hampshire cross breeds.
I can't believe it.....I have gotten three eggs in three days from Laverne, my Plymouth Barred Rock. They have all been nice dark shiny brown medium size eggs. I know that this is what is up supposed to happen, but somehow I just cannot comprehend that this chicken that I held in the palm of my hand just a few weeks ago could produce these eggs. I guess that all of the bowls of green ought, milk and bread, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, lettuce, egg shells, and butter beans was good for her.

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