How late will you stay up ?

Now MSNBC shows Romney up by more then 20,000 in Ohio.


R U serious? I was just going to go to sleep!@!
They called it waaaaay to early. Romney actually has more votes in Ohio, even though the lame-stream media gave it to Obama. And all the votes aren't even in!
Gah...stupid copy/paste...N/M.


Romney has 200 electoral votes so far
Obama has 290

Romney won the popular vote, but it was an almost 50/50 tie between them.

At least, so sayet the internet.
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They called it waaaaay to early. Romney actually has more votes in Ohio, even though the lame-stream media gave it to Obama. And all the votes aren't even in!

Yup. Pretty disappointed. Before my dad passed away he said America will experience the "Fall of the Roman Empire" ... He was a very intelligent man and my mom and I miss him to pieces :[
Ohio isn't going to matter...290-the 18 for Ohio is still over the 270 mark.

Also, every media outlet is calling Ohio for Obama.....CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NPR, Huffington Post,
Dennis you are absolutely right. I saw you lean towards a cause but you always kept everything in play. Truthfully you are a rare case... some of my highly regarded people, my family, said Obama was out by a landslide. It is clear you didn't like him but you never made irrational claims. In any case I am glad my guy won, I hope he can do something to make you not hate him. I see republicans kept the house... I really hope our people can put politics aside and work together.

I hate to say it but I'm skeptical.
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