How long will the hatching eggs last before incubating

Seeing Silkies

9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Columbia TN
I just bought a Octagon 20 ECO egg incubator should be here next week. How long will be safe for silkie eggs to sit before before incubating?
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Part of it depends on how you keep them; temperature, humidity, turning them. This link might help.

Texas A&M Incubation site

If you don't keep them in extremes, they are usually OK for a week. If you take extra good care of them, they are usually good for two weeks. After that, hatchability starts dropping, but that does not mean they won't hatch. It just means your odds drop.

I usually take the turner out of my incubator, plug it in, and store the hatching eggs there. You probably don't have the turner yet but I'll mention it for your next time.
Thank You - You gave me a time frame & thats what I needed. I bought some silkies eggs Lavender split & my broody hen is not to be trusted. I gave her 2 eggs to hold her off untill they came, Last night I added the eggs I bought ( i beleave they are from this past weekend ) well my broody hen started to sit to the side of the eggs, you could see all the eggs beside her
I have a peep hole so I keep an eye on her and she is just not going to do it. I have a heat light in the coop so I dont think they got to cold & she wouldnt sit on them so they didnt heat up..I took them back out this moring & incubator should be here monday or tue....

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