How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/8... Be nice when they all start laying again, but its way better then 5 a week
7 out of 10 but one was cracked! I'm so sorry to all those experiencing this cold frigid weather! It was freezing on the cape as well but not as bad! 18 today but felt like 2! Brrrrrr! And more snow coming tomorrow! Where are you spring??! We need you ASAP! Stay warm everyone :)
6/10 yesterday and 5 by 7:30 this morn which is surprising in the fridgid temps -22 windchill and minus 4 degrees. I've been changing their frozen water every 2 hours cuz I don't have a heater for it so I think that helps
Yesterday 17/28 but 3 were cracked and froze, we had -27F with wind chill it was -40 but I have an enclosed winter run for my chickens. Our area even made the news for the most record lows in the U.P. of Michigan. Today I got 22/28 much warmer today +14F right now. Heat wave!!

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