How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Thank you for the Ovations for my driveway picture!!! It is a winter wonderland here, pretty, but very cold!

We are now experiencing bitter cold temps and I am contemplating putting the heat lamp on in the coop....
Edited to add: even though it's below zero outside, it is 30 degrees in the coop!!!!!! Wow, that is a huge difference. No need for heat lamp in there!!! The hen house is insulated, with 32 warm chicken bodies producing heat. When I went in there, I thought it felt warm, and it was. A nice balmy 30 degrees, the humidity is 62%. My chickens are spoiled rotten!

I'm thankful that my house has hydro-radiant heated floors, the floors are toasty warm to walk on without shoes.

This cold is heading towards the midwest after it leaves here......BBRRRRRR

Nobody wanted to go outside today, it was too cold, especially with 50 MPH wind gusts:

"Poopin' in the coop, poopin' in the coop, Heigh-ho the derry-o, poopin' in the coop"

Tonight's forcast, I am close to Spokane, up on Mount Spokane:

Here they are right now, this minute, totally keeping each other warm. This is one section of the roosts. I can capture still shots on my coop cam.

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This morning when I went out, my two Khaki Campbell laid an egg each for me and I had one Muscovy duck egg. My hens aren't laying just yet and I'm waiting for my other female Muscovy to start laying. This is my second Muscovy egg and I am still shocked at the size difference between that and a KC egg!

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