How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

15/24 from the girls, not everyone was enjoying or balmy 6* F temp today including me. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't always have so much wind. Darn birds did not want to leave the coop & I wanted to be able to clean out the wood shavings into the run for warmer feet for them. Turned out I practically had to shovel out 26 birds with the shavings, lol. But once they had fresh bales of shavings dumped back in the coop they were happier. I even sprinkled a half of soup can of boss in with it. They got busy digging in the shavings & warmed themselves up.
And it gets worse. It is really dumping rain in the cascades. Over two inches in the last 24 hours. Now it is going to move east (I hope!) I'm not sure what is worse...perpetually frozen ground, or water everywhere. My chicks are starting to wish they were ducks.
Oh Boy, Can't wait! LOL

It started raining last night and we are now in slush fest 2015! Speaking of ducks, I have 3 silly girls who ran from puddle to puddle quacking enthusiastically after I let them out of their coop this morning....It was hilarious.....and no, my chickens are NOT amused!

I saw that there is some serious flooding over your way, are you near it?

I think I prefer the frozen least it's solid!
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Thankfully the cold gets moderated by going over the Great Lakes before it gets to us, but I think we'll still get some below zero stuff a day or two. That said, the 4 inches of snow with a half inch of glaze ice over it was murder to attempt to snowblow yesterday. It didn't take me 6 hours but it felt like my tires had turned square at some points. Today it's just a howling wind and temps dropping. It's cold enough here but the northern part of the state is supposed to see windchills of -60 tonight. I always make myself feel better about how cold it is by checking the Mount Washington Observatory page and thinking hey, at least it's not -20 with 110 mph winds, lol. Hopefully my girls don't start involuntarily flying!
MOUNT WASHINGTON??? Is that the windiest place in the nation, where the wind never stops blowing? I think I saw a TV special about that place.

I thought of you when the news mentioned you were going to get a snow walloping because of the lake affect on that artic air....

LOL......We can always feel blessed by seeing how much snowier or colder it is elsewhere...LOL....

The coldest I've seen in life was 80 below zero with wind chill.....But, I barely remember. I cannot even imagine 60 below, I feel sorry for your Northern Michiganders.....BBBBRRRRR

Last night the snow turned to rain, and our driveway was slushy. I spent another 2 hours pushing slush today!
MOUNT WASHINGTON???  Is that the windiest place in the nation, where the wind never stops blowing?  I think I saw a TV special about that place.

I thought of you when the news mentioned you were going to get a snow walloping because of the lake affect on that artic air....  

LOL......We can always feel blessed by seeing how much snowier or colder it is elsewhere...LOL....

The coldest I've seen in life was 80 below zero with wind chill.....But, I barely remember.  I cannot even imagine 60 below, I feel sorry for your Northern Michiganders.....BBBBRRRRR

Last night the snow turned to rain, and our driveway was slushy.  I spent another 2 hours pushing slush today!

I think Clark, Wyoming might well qualify for one of the windiest places. This was a warning today on our local Weather Channel:


This isn't at all unusual. Last year Clark had gusts well over 115 mph and the wind there never takes a day off. Most folks living there have their roofs anchored into the ground. Yep, straps over the roof to hold them. BTW, Clark isn't that far from us.

Got 4 eggs today out of 10 layers + Scout. They were enjoying the balmy 10 degree temps.
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Closed them in early today, not that they were out in the frigid wind much anyway.
Of course, I still had to be outside excavating the broken water supply line to the house.
Oh Boy, Can't wait! LOL

It started raining last night and we are now in slush fest 2015! Speaking of ducks, I have 3 silly girls who ran from puddle to puddle quacking enthusiastically after I let them out of their coop this morning....It was hilarious.....and no, my chickens are NOT amused!

I saw that there is some serious flooding over your way, are you near it?

I think I prefer the frozen least it's solid!
We bought a house on top of a hill, and the whole property is on rocky glacial till that drains really quickly when it isn't frozen. Problem is that the ground was frozen all last week, and then it rained over four inches and the water just sat on the top. It warmed up to 50 today and FINALLY quit raining. It is a swampy mess outside, but the barn is mostly dry and the chicken coop is cozy. It looks like things will start to get better tomorrow.

About 15 years ago I lived near Spoken. LOVED the weather, but couldn't stand the ground being frozen for 6 months of the year. I think my next move might be California LOL
27 on Sunday and 20 Monday night. The girls are doing good with all this nasty weather. Yesterday was 19F or -6C most of the day. We are under a winter storm warning and have got several inches of snow. (Still dark here now, so I am not going out to investigate yet as to how much we got).

Question for you all.....How cold is too cold for you to keep them in the coop all day? I try to let mine free range at least for 3 hours daily. Yesterday I thought the temps were too low and the winds were too strong. So, I didn't let them out. Now the ground is COVERED in layers of ice and snow.
27 on Sunday and 20 Monday night. The girls are doing good with all this nasty weather. Yesterday was 19F or -6C most of the day. We are under a winter storm warning and have got several inches of snow. (Still dark here now, so I am not going out to investigate yet as to how much we got).

Question for you all.....How cold is too cold for you to keep them in the coop all day? I try to let mine free range at least for 3 hours daily. Yesterday I thought the temps were too low and the winds were too strong. So, I didn't let them out. Now the ground is COVERED in layers of ice and snow.
Living in Minnesota, it gets VERY cold for very long stretches of time and like you, I worried about the hens but after Sunday I don't worry about them as much. We never got above zero all day on Sunday and I let the girls free range and they chose individual spots to nap out in the open - choosing open areas rather than next to something that would have shielded them from the wind (wind chills were negative 30). They didn't even huddle together. They napped in their spots for hours and when they got up, their body heat had melted the snow where they had been laying. Our girls are cold hardy so that may make a difference but I don't worry about them as much after Sunday. I will say that our coldest night of the season so far is going to be tonight with air temps getting into the negative 20 range and wind chills in the negative 40's so I'll be curious to see how they do.
I think Clark, Wyoming might well qualify for one of the windiest places. This was a warning today on our local Weather Channel:

This isn't at all unusual. Last year Clark had gusts well over 115 mph and the wind there never takes a day off. Most folks living there have their roofs anchored into the ground. Yep, straps over the roof to hold them. BTW, Clark isn't that far from us.

Got 4 eggs today out of 10 layers + Scout. They were enjoying the balmy 10 degree temps.
Holy guacamole, that's windy! We wouldn't have anything left outside it would be blown miles away.

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