How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Wow, $4-5?! The reason I ask is at the store the "cage free" eggs are around $5 and usually I see eggs advertised here for $1.5 to $3. A family member of mine was appalled at the price of $2. I was surprised considering all the time and effort put into a healthy flock for those farm fresh eggs. Regular eggs at the store are close to that price so I don't see the issue. But anyways, I was just curious how prices were outside of my comfort zone. We give up extras so I don't have to feel obligated to provide something when I can't. Plus for most of the family it's a nice little gift :)

But now I know if I ever want to sell eggs I'm going to GA!
I don't sell by the dozen. That's the way it worked out - completely by accident. When I first put out a call for empty egg cartons to fill, almost without exception I got cartons for 18 eggs instead of 12. So I charge 3.50 for an 18 pack and haven't so much as seen a raised eyebrow over it. I'm not out to make a fortune - I just want to have places for the extra eggs I get.
I think it's a great idea! There's nothing wrong with getting a little of your cost back while providing something that so many people want. I think $3.50 for 18 is perfectly fair.

I'm in a pretty rural area and there's not many chicken people's mostly cows and sheep. The chicken people I have seen don't sell. I think it's mostly just something for themselves so it's easy for me to hand out a few. And when family visits I can send a bunch with them. People have now learned to bring a carton and I'll trade them a full one :)
We're now getting 3 a day out of 4 hens, the lone holdout has taken to a nest this morning! There's only two of us, on average we'll eat a dozen a week so I've run an ad on our local Craigslist to barter our free range eggs for garden items, looking for Jerusalem Artichokes to plant now and can't bring myself to spend $20 for 3# of mail order tubers.

Dan & Vicki
We're now getting 3 a day out of 4 hens, the lone holdout has taken to a nest this morning! There's only two of us, on average we'll eat a dozen a week so I've run an ad on our local Craigslist to barter our free range eggs for garden items, looking for Jerusalem Artichokes to plant now and can't bring myself to spend $20 for 3# of mail order tubers.

Dan & Vicki
That's another great idea, bartering! Love it!
12/23 yesterday

In the area we are in we are able to sell our mixed eggs for $5 a doz.

@Blooie your egg customers better not raise an eyebrow at your prices for 18 eggs, they are cheap in price.
That's another great idea, bartering!  Love it!

Great idea there... I trade eggs to my mother-n-law for watching the kids every once in a while...... Lol.....2 Dozen eggs = 1 night out to relax.... I give to church friends and they usually give me $2-3 without asking... I'm happy to share...

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