How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

First 4 egg day! But 2 were blue! Just 4, but it was EGGCITING! Mine are all young 25 wks and less. The waiting! getting 1, sometimes 2. Then it got so hot! 105-109! It cooled off. 3 yesterday and 4 today so I really do believe the heat affects laying. And now I know that 2 EE's are laying blue. One pooped her egg on the coop floor, but that's ok. How silly to be so eggcited.
I got four today!!!!!!!
now for the last two to start laying and I will be in business
Congrats!!! The train is rolling!
Guess I need to start breaking this down by coop and age!
Coop #1 3 / 5 I think my leghorns are going on strike! We had to have a chat about rent payment and looking attractive to potential buyers of laying hens, and possible freezer camp!

Coop #2 14 total 4/4 from the Red Comets
0/9 from the newbies, but 3 will be 21 weeks old at the end of the week soooooo, hopefully soon!
My 4 barred rocks give me 4 a day , sometimes 3 but most of the time 4 .
Funny thing today i got 4 eggs and this evening one dropped a softy on the patio , so I'll expect 3 tomorrw.
They're only going on 7 months and the weather has been hot until today dropped from high 90s low 100s now to low 80s so i expect that has something to do with the soft egg .
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8 chicken eggs today

5 eggs from the control group

3 egg from the free range chickens

Temp 107 F degrees
Wow. Death Valley. I used to ride horses every Nov from Ridgecrest to Furnace Creek along the old 20 mule team route. Can I pick your brain? In that heat, what breeds do you keep and how do you keep them from baking? Coop/run set up? The highest it got here this summer was 111. We had a week or 2 over 100 and mine struggled, all but quit laying. 1-2 per day. We're back up to 4/6 yesterday.

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