How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 in the same nesting box again today. It's starting to feel a little like groundhog day lol. Hopefully soon my cochins will start laying too. Then shortly behind them my EE should start laying.
Today is a 5/15 day so far. Yesterday they were locked out of the coop all morning as we had a girl who I wanted to make sure her crop emptied so we only got a 3/15 one of which the great dane promptly knocked off the counter. bad dog. The day before yesterday was a 9 egg day. That was oir best day so far. Our oldest girls are 24 weeks. Our youngest 21. 4 Isa browns, 4 slw, 2 buff Orpingtons, and 4 EE. That I know of only one EE is laying. can't wait to find out the other colors they lay.

Our girls free range all day so I'm sure at least from yesterday there is a nest hidden somewhere but we searched all over yesterday and couldn't find anything.

In the photo of the 171 eggs in your fridge there was a very pink seeming egg in your egg basket, do you know what breed layed that egg?
6 eggs today. Only 1 chick has hatched so far. Very early this morning.Unfortunately, she is no where near standard for her breed (even as a chick). Can't see any pips or anything, but I am determined to remain hopeful! Day 22 will start in a few more hours, so there is still hope!
4/13 pretty sure it's 2 red comets and 2 buffs, let them free range today in the gorgeous sunshine so hopefully all that vitamin D will help encourage the others to start laying! Not that I'm impatient

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