How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 eggs today

4 eggs from the control group

1 egg from the free range chickens

Temp 98 F degrees with out any kind of breeze .........
17 eggs from 24 possibles.

I have 12 White Leghorns that just reached POL, they gave me 10 white eggs (all laid behind the feed bin)
6 Red Sex link hens
2 cross breed pullets
3 Easter Egger hens
1 Light Sussex hen
Oh and 3 Guinea hens, one of whom is still laying each day.

5 eggs today

4 eggs from the control group

1 egg from the free range chickens

Temp 98 F degrees with out any kind of breeze .........
Death Valley must be tough on chickens. What breeds do you have?

nothing niks nada... my 4 RIR are 21 weeks old... and taking their sweet time.....
In SA, days are getting longer. They should kick in soon. What do their combs look like? Big and red or still small and pink.
In SA, days are getting longer. They should kick in soon. What do their combs look like? Big and red or still small and pink.

A photo I took this morning (I have a slight obsession with these spoilt girls) Their combs are growing nicely and Roseys (on the right) is the reddest...shes top bird in the coop. Spoilt girls got their daily layer mash porridge with scrambled eggs and butternut with a side serving of fresh baby spinach.
As you said we are heading for summer (although we really dont get winter here in the sub tropical region) but sadly this country is PATHETIC in their catering for back yard chickens. We dont get half the stuff you folk in the USA get (including the ranges and availability of different breeds of chickens.)
Their time is coming.... i'm just getting impatient. I also want to be part of the "I got eggs" party.....
You will get eggs soon. Any day now. As the days get longer you will be begging us for creative uses for all of those eggs.
hahaha I can only dream. The list of those wanting fresh eggs (if I have any left over) is getting longer and longer. I am trying to get more people to have their own ladies in their OWN gardens but its quite a battle. The moment I DO get an egg I am pretty sure the whole world will know about it.

Thank you!
Quote: This is the process: You get your first eggs and you think how lovely they are, you marvel at the perfection. You crack the shells carefully from one end wash out the shells and save them in a big glass jar and display them on the book case, then you start making pound cakes and eggnogs, and lemon curd and the list goes on and on and people start to think you have lost it.... but you haven't . you are perfectly normal. Just like me.

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