How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

9/15 today but one got smashed in the nest box(I wonder which girl's big butt did that lol) and one I have yet to bring in as she layed it as soon as they were let out to free range in a calf transportation box, that's standing on end and almost as tall as I am. DH2B and I are going to have to get creative on how to get it out without breaking the egg or burying it in the straw that's in the box. The box hasn't been used in years but at least it's in a covered building.
9 eggs today. 2 chicks pipped last night/ earlier this morning. They were both shrink wrapped when I got home from work this evening. I moistened them up, zipped the shell the rest of the way for them & put them back in the incubator. They both hatched! One is pretty unstable on it's feet, so we'll see if it has feet/leg problems or if it is just getting use to using feet & legs! 5 more eggs to go... It is just now turning into day 24. I'm not quite as hopeful any more, but... we'll see.

I blame the temps it was in the 80's 7 low 90's & then dropped into the 40's for almost a week, then back into the 70's.. The incubator sits near an exterior wall and when the temps dropped into the 40's I had trouble maintaining incubator temps. Ended up wrapping a towel around that side while trying not to cut off oxygen.
I'm kind of surprised any of them hatched this time.
6 eggs today. Only 1 chick has hatched so far. Very early this morning.Unfortunately, she is no where near standard for her breed (even as a chick). Can't see any pips or anything, but I am determined to remain hopeful! Day 22 will start in a few more hours, so there is still hope!

Congrats! Do you have any pictures?
11/22 for the third day in a row.

7 chicken eggs today

4 eggs from the control group

3 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 98 F degrees

I have been asked several times about the chickens I have so here we go ,,,, Russian Orloff , Easter Egger , Molted Houdan , Black Copper Marans , African Geese , Guinea And a couple of Chinese Ducks ........
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