How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


5 eggs

2 eggs from the control group chickens

3 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp well it started off at 78F degrees with heave clouds in the morning and by early noon it started raining till sunset then the heavy winds blow away the clouds and the weather has been nice ever since .... Oh 3/4 of an inch was collected ...
Yesterday was 16/25(but 5 aren't laying yet
On a slightly separate note we got the smallest egg we've ever gotten which is odd BC I don't think it's a new layer although it could be but up to this point we've only had one white layer a buff silkie named, Ginger. I'm worried this could mean there is something wrong. We haven't opened it yet. Will photograph it and open it tomorrow and let you guys know. This thing is smaller than her first eggs were and she is usually a daily layer but has been taking about every other day off and her last egg was rather small too.
I just finished treating cocci last 3 days and noticed weakness on two of my chickens having that poo color. Mucos percentage is high but I set them on virocidal,glucose, and vitamins.
Eggs count for taday: 37/41 and 13/17
That is where the poo colour comes in I would believe, how are the birds doing now? having them lay is depleting the system more but your counts say they may not be which in the end is best. Your treatments seem quite knowledgeable and time and a boosted diet and more vitamins or high protein will be your best road of defense.

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