How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

13/13 today. Last POL finally gave me one.

3 ducks hatched today and 4 others showing clear life.
here it is so warm and beautiful mine spend the days outside mostly
4//5 Lazy susan on vacation again can hardly wait till the pullets
get started The first three from Gena are the oldest of them
Thats about the same weather we are having out here in NW Washington.
How is you Mom doing? they gave mine medivain to calm her so she was
kinda out of it when we were there
My Mom is slightly better. She is eating a little more, but still a lot less than a toddler would eat on a good day. Her rash is SLOWLY starting to go away, and she isn't throwing up/ dry heaving as much or as often. She has fallen out of bed 2X's since Mother's day. She drops something on the floor and then tries to lean over to get it & rolls off the bed. She wasn't able to get up by herself either time. She is still sleeping 70% (or more) of the time.

My parents checked in to getting some home health care services, but were told they live too far away and that there wasn't much they could do for her other than give her a shower a couple of times a week.

I have a friend that is checking into other options for us. As it is now, my Dad hates to leave to go to the store or anything because then she is home by herself. The first time she fell out of bed was when my Dad & brother had left to go get something to eat. She ended up having to lay on the floor until they came home & found her.

I'm afraid if she keeps falling out of bed, she's going to end up breaking her hip or something.

My Mom was wiped out for about 4 or 5 days after Mother's Day and she only managed to go to the brunch for an hour (or 2 at the most), the rest of the time she was in bed & no one went to visit at the house. My brothers stayed there but she slept most of the time.

I'm glad to hear that they have given your Mom something to help calm her. It's not easy seeing them scared & anxious.
My Mom is slightly better. She is eating a little more, but still a lot less than a toddler would eat on a good day. Her rash is SLOWLY starting to go away, and she isn't throwing up/ dry heaving as much or as often. She has fallen out of bed 2X's since Mother's day. She drops something on the floor and then tries to lean over to get it & rolls off the bed. She wasn't able to get up by herself either time. She is still sleeping 70% (or more) of the time.

My parents checked in to getting some home health care services, but were told they live too far away and that there wasn't much they could do for her other than give her a shower a couple of times a week.

I have a friend that is checking into other options for us. As it is now, my Dad hates to leave to go to the store or anything because then she is home by herself. The first time she fell out of bed was when my Dad & brother had left to go get something to eat. She ended up having to lay on the floor until they came home & found her.

I'm afraid if she keeps falling out of bed, she's going to end up breaking her hip or something.

My Mom was wiped out for about 4 or 5 days after Mother's Day and she only managed to go to the brunch for an hour (or 2 at the most), the rest of the time she was in bed & no one went to visit at the house. My brothers stayed there but she slept most of the time.

I'm glad to hear that they have given your Mom something to help calm her. It's not easy seeing them scared & anxious.
The falling is one of the reasons my brother gave in and took her to the hospital
thankfully St Pete's has been fabulous to her, I have a harder time of it I guess
because I had not prepared myself for the changes of a vibrant active Mom
to one that can't stand or walk alone and looks like my Grandma did so
many years ago.

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