How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8 eggs today from 21 hens. 3 of these are broody (2 have chicks, 1 is still sitting on eggs). At least 4 others are molting and another 3 or 4 are over 3 years old. The young barred rock broody adopted all 6 chicks I snuck into her nest!!
8 eggs today from 21 hens. 3 of these are broody (2 have chicks, 1 is still sitting on eggs). At least 4 others are molting and another 3 or 4 are over 3 years old. The young barred rock broody adopted all 6 chicks I snuck into her nest!!
So how to tell if something is broody? I have enough barred rock
So how to tell if something is broody? I have enough barred rock
The hen stays on/in the nest box all day & night. she usually will get off for a short period once a day to go eat, drink & poop and then she is right back on the nest. They will often peck at you if you try to mess with them ( pick them up off the nest, raise them up to see under them, that sort of thing). Some even hiss, growl or squawk at you. I don't believe there is anything that you can do to induce them to become broody, although leaving eggs in the nest box may help. I have had some go broody with only 1 or 2 eggs in the nest And continue to sit tight even when I take all the eggs every day. I hope this helps.
9/2 - 4 of 6
9/3 - 5 of 6
9/4 - 3 of 6

I have 2-3 very faithful layers and one that has yet to start laying. The others are still working out the kinks

But in 3 the weeks that 2-3 have been laying we have seen almost 4 doz eggs!!!
9/2 - 4 of 6
9/3 - 5 of 6
9/4 - 3 of 6

I have 2-3 very faithful layers and one that has yet to start laying. The others are still working out the kinks

But in 3 the weeks that 2-3 have been laying we have seen almost 4 doz eggs!!!
that's an amazing amount! We've been getting better (2 eggs each day but yesterday since thursday-we have 8 eggs now). Who is laying in your new laying flock? Ours are 18 weeks
2 eggs before 1130!! And I have a new breed of layer POSITIVE now (lighter brown than GC). Was hoping for 2 more eggs this afternoon but nope not yet. Very proud of layers♡
Modifications in the coop.

View from the door

The new nesting boxes. One is double width the other 2 are standard 12x12

The new roosting bars


I have some repairs to do... the nesting boxes where inside above the pop door, and the roosting bars were 1 long cross the side and 2 angled in the corners. The coop overall is to small for 11 hens (8 max roughly) but fortunately with our weather they rarely if ever get cooped in. So the small space isn't and issue. We are still working on things but 3 girls have already used the new boxes and 1 had checked out the new roosts
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