How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

What color???
blue like pastel and sky blue ♡ I will download pics and show you
6 out of 14 layers still waiting on the last baby (EE) to start laying, still praying it will be a blue egg!

Molting has started! My best friend came out to help me with the fall coop clean out and repair day. It looked like a pillow fight had broken out! The good news is we found lots of tailfeathers for my friends husband , he's a fly fisherman and loves fresh feathers to make lures with. My two Cuckoo Marans have been broody ALL summer and haven't seen an egg out of them for a while, apparently they heard me when I threatened to send them to freezer camp this fall with my four old red production hens. This week I've gotten two dark brown eggs everyday! One small pullet egg from the new Buff a day! I'm fairly certain the four old reds have practically stopped laying. occasionally I get a spotted egg from one of them. Hopefully the molt won't last too long and the others will get back to business!

While cleaning the coop we also had to make repairs to the run floor, those girls had holes and walls built all over the place! Made it dang difficult to negotiate our way to the coop door and feeders! We've gotten some rain this week so while the soil was softened up we got out there with shovels and leveled everything out, reburied the inside bottom of the buried fence! We also refilled their plastic pool with more dusting sand and DE, hopefully they'll leave the run floor alone! We got tickled when we saw the Brahma come in the run and just stare at the floor, then she started fussing! We imagined the conversation went like " Ya'll look at what Mom and Aunt Becky have done! They've been watching too much Property Brothers again and done made the run an open concept run!" hehehehe
Well not today but yesterday I got 3... Thought I was just going to get 2 but found one on the coop floor when I went to shut them in for the night. Not positive which bird laid it. Thinking it could be a first egg from one of my other girls since the four laying already have done so in the nest boxes and the color is slightly dif than others too.
I not quite sure on age. Think thre quarters of flick are over 12 mths and I have a few just under 12 moths old. I haven't seen any sign of them moulting as of yet

So the ones over 12 months might molt this year. I'm not 100% sure when the first molt is other then their second fall or winter. Most things I've seen say 18 months but I think hatch days and seasons do play into that some.

Have you had any unusual hot or cold days? Or any other stress that you can think of? Have you checked around for hidden eggs? If it's just a 1 or 2 day drop in eggs it can be normal but more then that something is going on. I hope you find out what it is.
@Spartan22 think we all might say that at some point put a new feed system into place
birds gave me 5 eggs yesterday to tell me they did not like it but 8 up from
that today

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