How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Only 6 eggs today. My missing Black Penedesenca hen never showed back up.
She never came in from free ranging yesterday. I looked all over for her without any luck. I was hoping she was just hiding somewhere. I didn't see any feathers or blood either, but I would bet money that a hawk got her.
Only 6 eggs today.  My missing Black Penedesenca hen never showed back up. :mad:  She never came in from free ranging yesterday.  I looked all over for her without any luck.  I was hoping she was just hiding somewhere.  I didn't see any feathers or blood either, but I would bet money that a hawk got her. 

Nooooo! Reason I can't free range
Only 6 eggs today. My missing Black Penedesenca hen never showed back up.
She never came in from free ranging yesterday. I looked all over for her without any luck. I was hoping she was just hiding somewhere. I didn't see any feathers or blood either, but I would bet money that a hawk got her.
I am so sorry I have not been out to my girls but just
had 7 this morning when I cleaned so should have 5 there
at least again
Only 6 eggs today.  My missing Black Penedesenca hen never showed back up. :mad:  She never came in from free ranging yesterday.  I looked all over for her without any luck.  I was hoping she was just hiding somewhere.  I didn't see any feathers or blood either, but I would bet money that a hawk got her. 
oh no thats terrible. So sorry
3 eggs today
24 weeks old today.
RIR started laying 8 days ago - has layed 8 eggs.
EE started 6 days ago - 5 eggs so far.
PBR layed her first egg today!
Wellsummer should be any day now, Lav Orp is real close a well. Buff is no where close.

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